Chapter 15:

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//Not Another Goodbye//

"Promise me you'll be here when I come back ." ,his deep voice says into my ear before coming back up from our hug I wish was endless . His words tug at my heart ,bringing sadness to my energy drained body . The real question was would he be here when he got back ?

"Of course .", I swallow giving him a forced faint smile . Watching him leave my apartment door is unbearable .  Thoughts of me just clinging to his long stick like legs distracts me .

The truth is the idea of him forgetting about me within these 3 months terrifies me . I worry he won't come back . How do you confess feelings for someone after so much time keeping them hidden ,just to watch them leave .

"Don't forget about me ." , my voice is almost inaudible .

I finally shut my door once he reached the end of the steps and packed his things into the SUV his team pulled up in . This is all so strange to me , I haven't known him for long but the little time we've spent makes me feel as if I've known him for ages . The way my body responded to his touch instantly the other night fascinates me . Maison never made me feel as wanted and invigorated with his touch the way Gerald could in a matter of seconds . I never felt sexually frustrated with him either not even a tad bit ...
The fact that Gerald is responsible for me thinking this way scares me . I can't help but feel so insecure ,he's slept with so many women . I bet sex has no meaning or value to him anymore as it does to me .


*1 Month Later*

"Are you going to coop yourself up in your room again ?",Ava rolls her eyes ,tossing another handful of popcorn into her mouth as my phone began to chime  .

"It'll be just a second ." , I answer the FaceTime call locking my room door to avoid Ava barging in on me .
Running my fingers through my hair , I try perfecting myself as the screen reads "connecting " . 

Ava has been back in town for two weeks now and Gerald has been on the road for a month . It's been tough for me but our nightly talks are what makes my days worth it and keep me sane . Ava on the other hand is sick of me not paying much attention to her , since I basically spend my days besides my phone waiting for it to buzz with a simple "hey " from G just so I know he's still interested . Pathetic ? Maybe just a bit ,but I can't help myself ,my anxiety drives me mad .

"Hey Brook." , his voice raspy and  eyes low .
"Hey G." , I give a small smile .
"How was tonight's show ?" ,I ask this question almost every night but he doesn't mind . I think he likes I take interest in his career and well ...him .

"It was alright , last night's crowd was better ." ,he shrugs .

"You look exhausted ." , I say ,concernment hid in my voice.

"Yeah it's  2 am here ." ,he yawns right after . His wet hair droops over his tired face as he lays on the hotel bed's pillows . His messy untamed hair was my favorite .

"Do you want to call me back tomorrow ? ,you need rest .", as much as it pains me to say, I had to . It was one of those things you say but don't mean at all . His eye bags hang low and get darker every FaceTime call . Tour is physically and mentally draining for him ,I don't know how he manages to pull through . His health worries me quite a bit . He doesn't seem as happy now as he was the first week of the tour .

"No , I've been wanting to talk to you all day ."

His sweet words caught me off guard . My smile began to grow bigger making it harder for me to conceal .

"I was hoping you'd say that ." , I let out a small laugh .

"I wish you were here ."

"And what would you need me there for ?" , I roll my eyes jokingly .

"I need someone to keep me company in this  tour bus , I get lonely ." , he pouts ,faking to be sad . The feeling of insecurity hits making me question if he's been getting his needs met . We are nothing ,therefore I can not address  this in a serious matter .

"I'm sure you have girls there keeping you company ." , jealousy was clear in my slip of words . I didn't mean for these words to leave my lips in such a serious tone . His long pause is driving me insane and has me questioning if I just blew everything or not .

"I could if I wanted to ,there's a line full of them literally, as we speak waiting outside the bus ." ,he bluntly says . His response instantly made me regret saying that . How could I have expected him not to throw a harsh comeback ? I nervously tug at my bottom lip with my top row of teeth in hesitation .

"But they aren't what I want .",he shook his head as he spoke .

"What I want is you." ,he licks his lips not knowing how weak his simple words and actions make me .

"You don't know how crazy you drive me when you say these things to me ." ,I hide my face in my pillows .

"I know you have your doubts but I call you every opportunity I get because you're who I'm focused on ." ,he continues on ,trying to reassure me I had nothing to worry about .

"I'm sorry , I just can't help but over think , you know ?", once again I feel like a complete idiot but I refuse to let my guard down .

"Brook stop you have nothing to worry about and seeing you through a screen drives me crazy because I can't physically touch you .",Gerald's lips curve into a smirk while his large fingers run through his damp hair .

I laugh in agreement feeling a bit better . There's nothing I wanted more than to be able to feel his lips against mine once more or even a simple hug .

"Just 2 more months , I've been counting down the days ." ,I embarrassingly admit.

"I don't know if I can wait any longer."

I'm so sorry for the lag hope you enjoy this .

Inevitable //G-Eazy Fanfiction//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang