Chapter 7:

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//Tattoos & Cigarettes//

"Where are you going ?!", Ava yells standing at the door frame as I run down the apartment stairs not sure myself . The clacking sound of my heels echoed through out the apartment complexes .
I left her standing there scratching her head with an open mouth ,confused .

"I'll be home later !",I shout back before opening the door to Mat's Range Rover . His windows were tinted pitch black I could barely distinguish his face through the glass . I didn't tell Ava who I was leaving with or that I was going out .

As I got inside I felt his eyes scanning the way my burgundy dress hugged my hips his lips parted like he wanted to speak but was too distracted to say anything .
"Hey ."

Embarrassed he straightened his back and cleared his throat , I fought the urge to laugh .
"Hey .",he coughs .

"Where are you taking me ?" ,I turn to face him . His fingers gripped the black leather steering wheel ,his grey eyes concentrated on the road and noisy cars.

"This bar .",shrugging he fidgets with the touch screen radio hooking his phone up to Bluetooth.

"Pick something to listen to .",he handed me his phone with trust unlike most men who won't let you even look at their phone for a split second .

Dragging my fingers across the screen,I scan his music library up and down in search of something similar to my music likings . Surprisingly most albums matched my music taste , I couldn't decide so I hit shuffle .
"FWU" by PARTYNEXTDOOR , started playing but I didn't bother to skip , I was fond of this song and anything by PARTYNEXTDOOR really .

"You have good music taste ." , I hand him his phone back after locking it .

He simply smiled ,turning the round nobs to the right . The bass instantly fills the car speakers I love it . Too embarrassed to sing the lyrics out loud I lowly mumble them with my face turned to the window so he wouldn't notice . The buildings we zoomed past kept me entertained along with anything on the other side of the glass. A light twinkled in the night sky but it wasn't a star , it was an airplane . Gerald instantly came to mind , I hate that I'm thinking about him right now .

"You good ?" , his hand touched my shoulder .

"Yes . Why wouldn't I be ?",I give him a side smile .

"You look so serious I thought something was wrong ."

I nod no , letting him know I'm okay . His concern was quite adorable , I like how he cares enough to check up on me. 


"This is Brooklyn ."

Anxiety curls in my stomach as Mat introduces me to his group of friends . Embarrassed of my sweaty palms I only wave and smile to avoid shaking their hands with my moist palms from my nervousness.  None bothered to introduce themselves to me though
I could tell Mat was bothered by their lack of manners . The eyes of his friend's date widened when she saw me beside Mat . Her blue eyes scoped me head to toe with such a dirty look on her caked face . I could smell the cheap hair spray her unnatural blonde hair was soaked in . Another thing ,Mat's  eyes avoided contact with hers, his facial expressions read "uncomfortable" when I turned to glance at him in the dim lighting but why ? He was trying his hardest to avoid her .

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