Chapter 13:

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//Her Again ?//

Short blonde hair almost platinum ,barely reaching her shoulders and cigarette stained nails . Same as she's always been ,not much of a change except the amount of makeup she now wore . Her knuckles crack as she presses down on them with her other hand underneath the lonely cafe's table she sat at waiting for me to approach her .

"Gerald ." , she gives me an unsure smile as I pull the chair out ,taking a seat.


I find it strange she'd contact me now after a year or two of us not knowing each other's whereabouts. I'm quite surprised I still had her number saved in my phone . When I heard she was in town I didn't expect us to cross paths at all .

"So what's so important you couldn't just tell me through the phone ."

"Can't I just want to see you ?" ,a strand of her hair twists between her fingers . I could sense her response was a lie and she was just beating around the bush ,avoiding her real reasoning .

"Come on . ", my eyes roll as my hands clasp on top of the table . A part of me is still in shock I'm in her presence . It's been so long that she was starting to become just a memory to me .

"Alright . As embarrassed I am to say this..." ,she pauses sighing .

"Go on . " , I motion with my hand for her to proceed . Her mood was now serious with a hint of sadness in her eyes .

"My life is a fucking mess right now ." , she places her hands on her temples in frustration .
"Everyone fucking cut me off completely , I haven't even spoken to my parents .", anxiety was obvious as I watch her legs shake underneath the table . I remain silent just listening to her vent about her horrible reality she lives . This didn't sound like typical Dev  at all . The Dev I remember was always so well put together and thinking of her future .
"I didn't want to come to you of all people because I'm ashamed  . ", her eyes avoided mine . I know this must be a serious matter she is such a prideful person , I would of never imagined her right in front of me ,so vulnerable .
"Ashamed ?" , I question .

"I need money ." , her teeth bit her bottom lip as a nervous reaction .
Struggling on what to say , I'm at a loss for words .

"Money ?" , my voice cracks nervously not because giving her money is an issue but because of the unexpectedness. 
"If you don't have any money how did you even get here ?"

"Mat flew me out here ."
"I'm being evicted from our old place ,Gerald...I have until next week to get my shit out if I don't pay this month's rent ." , a tear escapes the corner of her eye ,her head hung low . I can't help but wonder why she'd stay there after we split . A place that constantly reminds her of our broken relationship. The walls secret the nightly arguments that never seemed to fail . 

"I'll help you ." , I release a deep exhale. I feel as if I owe her since I treated her so poorly when we were together . I know under any other circumstance she would not be here begging for financial help if it wasn't serious .

"Thank you . I promise I'll pay you back every penny as soon as I get back on my feet ." ,relief washes down her as she thanks me but deep down inside she's still falling apart , I know it .

"No it's okay , don't even worry about paying me back . " , I shake my head ,getting up to push my chair in .

"Nonsense . I have to. " ,she declines my act of generosity .

"I'm gonna get going okay ? But if you need anything you have my number ." ,I say assuringly .

"Wait one more thing!" , she stops me from walking any closer to the door .

"Yeah ?" , I scratch my head,puzzled .

"Treat Brooklyn right ." , her 3 words have my jaw unhinging . I thought I was doing a good job at keeping whatever me and Brooklyn have going on low profile ...

"Wait . What ?" , I'm not quite processing why that name just  slipped from her lips .

"I know she's more than just a friend to you Gerald . " , she rolls her eyes shaking her head . She said it with absolutely no jealousy we both have grown apart from any previous feelings we once shared .

"How could you possibly know that if you don't even know her ." , I fight back .

"I saw the way you two looked at each other  at the club ,there's no need to fight it . "

"She's all Mat talks about , you better beat him to her ." , she says lastly .

I don't respond instead I exit the cafe's door .


The volume of my car's radio was at its maximum as I drove ,trying to drown the thoughts of Brooklyn out of my head. "She's all Mat talks about ",replays ,making my blood boil with jealousy . My hand ran through my hair before I impulsively hit my steering wheel in frustration. It bothered me knowing Brooklyn is his favorite topic to discuss . She will never be his , I won't allow it . My feelings for her are slowly multiplying becoming harder to secret . It's time I come to acceptance . All I could think of right now is taking the next exit off the freeway and driving to her place to apologize for practically kicking her out this morning . It's been ripping my conscience to shreds all day . Picturing her sad eyes giving me one last glance before leaving the room hurts my heart at the thought .

I picked my phone up from inside the cup holder ,typing a quick message to Marty . He's probably sharing sheets with some random he hit it off with at the club last night anyways .

To Marty : "I'm not coming home tonight ."

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