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I haven't read over it so sorry for any typo's

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

ethan liked you. you were nice to him and laughed at his unfunny jokes from time to time. you were also smart and very pretty.

you guys met a few weeks after the beginning of this semester, you had transferred colleges and you had been placed in ethan and chad's dorm.

"hey, i don't mind as long as you don't bring any boys inside while we're here." were the first words chad said to you. you chuckled.

"and as long as you guys don't bring girls over while i'm here, we'll get along just fine." you laughed. you felt like you were going to like those guys if they don't end up being creeps.

"you don't have to worry about me here." the curly-haired one said. you looked at him and chuckled at his remark, knowing what he was implying. "i'm apparently a very good matchmaker, i'll set you up with someone in no time." you winked at the end and he smiled at you. "cool." was all he said.

normally you would have preferred getting a dorm with at least one girl but soon enough, as you spent more and more time with chad and ethan you realized that they were pretty cool and all 3 of you became friends very quickly. on friday nights you would order takeout food and play video games or binge-watch horror movies.

that's how ethan learned a whole lot more about your personality and slowly began to fall in love with you. but unfortunately for him, you were already with someone.

his name was jared, ugh, ethan thought his name was so annoying. he had no personality, no depth to his character. and the worst of it all,

he wasn't the nicest boyfriend to you. ethan knew it as he witnessed it with his own two eyes and he knew that you knew that too, but wouldn't admit it. even chad knew. and mindy and sam and tara and anika and his sister quinn, but no one knew that of course.

jared was an abusive piece of shit. ethan had lost count of how many bruises you so desperately tried to hide with makeup and long sleeve shirts. how many times you came back to the dorm with your head down, eyes red and puffy, and telling chad and ethan you had broken up with jared.

the next day, ethan would see you making out with jared in the hallways like nothing ever happened and that made him so fucking angry because 2 weeks later you once again broke up with him. the cycle just wouldn't stop.

jared doesn't deserve someone as sweet and innocent like you. why do abusive assholes like jared get what they want all the time and ethan has no one, nothing.

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