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This is like some extra or part two from  imagine before 🫶🏻hope you enjoy

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This is like some extra or part two from imagine before 🫶🏻hope you enjoy

Nine months was all it took for the group to see where you were coming from. Another to see how much you were truly hurting, how you forgave him. Sam eventually let up too, you recalled her words about it taking her a long time to forget, she didn't forget, but she eventually grew okay with the idea that if he ever came back into your life, she wouldn't kill him.
Mindy still hated him, though she decreased her dislike of him for your sake, though she still snuck in snarky comments. Tara didn't want to at first for Chad's sake. You didn't blame any of them honestly, but she knew just how much he meant to you. She had caved for you, and only you.
The cops did end up asking about Ethan from what the group told you. Sam had told them how he didn't know of his father's or sister's intentions on your behalf. They bought it of course, though Kirby knew better, yet after a brief chat with her, she ensured that she wouldn't bring him in. For a debrief and interrogation, possibly, she held no promises though, but you trusted her enough to hold her by her word.
You trusted your little family with everything you got.
Just like you trust them now.
"Hey, hey. I'm back. You announce your arrival. You walk into the apartment. Eyes wandering for your friends.
"Hey!" A chorus of voices greeted you and you caught sight of the back of Tara's head in the kitchen. With your old complex a bloodied crime scene, you felt that you all should get a bigger place. One where you would all stay close together. Mindy and Chad rented the apartment across from the one you shared with Tara and Sam. Though those two mostly just ventured into yours.

"How was your walk?" Chad's voice rings out. Smiles cast your way as your tired face blesses their eyes.
"Good, I got a pick me up. Though I was this close to throwing my drink at the lady behind me."
"That bad huh?" Mindy grimaces. "I least you got a drink."
"Yeah at least..." You nod, sighing as you plop into one of the stools. Your head rested on your arms.
"I thought you said you weren't gonna push yourself over the edge again!" Chad sighed. "Why would you even go on a walk this late?"
"I wanted a drink!* You pout.
"We could have got you one, or gone with you." Chad shakes his head as he turns back to the pan he was flipping the chicken in.
"You could have taken one of us...* Tara winces but emits a laugh at your annoyed reaction. "Hey, I'm just saying!" She puts her hands up.
"Thank you! See? It's not just me that worries about you."
Chad gestures to Tara graciously. "I mean you're still recovering. It hasn't even been three weeks since the labor.
Y/n I'm serious it's not just yourself you need to think about anymore."
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine." Chad points out much to your annoyance.

"I'm fine. I just needed some time to myself, okay? I got my drink and then rushed right back home. You two are being ridiculous alright..? You let out a tired laugh. Chad can't help the smile he tries to fight. "I'm gonna go now, 'cause these pants are killing me, and I want to change into pjs, and then I'm gonna cuddle with my baby 'cause l've missed her... Okay, great glad we're on the same page!" You clasp your hands together and walk backwards out of the kitchen entryway.
You hear their chuckles fade away in the background as you reach your bedroom, you push the door open slightly and walk in quietly. You catch sight of a body then relax when you see it's only Sam. Sam turns around upon your entrance.
A smile paints her lips as she turns around with your little bundle of joy in her arms.
"Hey. You just got back?" She whispers quietly.
*Yeah, walking didn't really help much... but what else is new.
Anyway..." You focus your attention back on her. "Has she eaten yet?" You look up at her.
"Yeah...I fed her her bottle around eight after you left. I had set her down, but she woke up again, she hasn't been wanting to go back to sleep. No, no, you haven't, have you?" Sam coos down at your daughter, rubbing her button nose gently. Your heart flutters at the sight, knowing that when you left this apartment she was always in good hands.
"I think she just knows that mommy isn't here. Is that it pretty girl, do you wait up on momma, huh...yeah, you wait up for me?" You coo, your smile turning into a faint laugh as she hears your voice. She starts to settle down in Sam's arms.

Ethan Landry Imagines 🕷️🎸Where stories live. Discover now