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_____________Lips of an Angel bloatedandalone04🎸🕷️_______________

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Lips of an Angel

It started at a party.
Well, actually it started with a tap on the shoulder from Quinn.

Ethan turned around and greeted his 'friend* with a smile and a nod of his head. When he turned his body to the figure beside her, he was sure his heart skipped a beat. Y/e/c eyes met his and instantly he was drawn to you. In one quick movement, he rid himself of the knight headpiece and held it in his hand, watching as your eyes took him in.

He did the same to you, looking you up and down and sucking in a breath at your attire. The dark red skirt you wore matched the cropped shirt, the linings a pure white fabric.

Across your chest was the word 'CHEER' and if that didn't make your costume obvious enough, the high ponytail and adidas you wore surely did.

"Ethan, this is my friend, YIn. Remember when I told you about her?" Quinn asked, giving him a look and right away he felt his chest tighten. You were the friend that had gotten too caught up in the lives of Tara and Mindy? You were the one she was planning on killing some time before she gets to do the same to the sisters?

"*Yeah," he hesitantly answered her, returning her look with wide eyes. "Yeah, I remember."
You stood between the friends, rocking awkwardly on your heels. *Y/n, this is Ethan," Quinn finished the introduction, pushing you towards him. "And he's going to hang out with you tonight while I go back home and.....busy myself.

Ethan gave her a disgusted look but quickly covered it up by clearing his throat. "We'll talk later, right?" He held eye contact with her and she squinted at him before giving him a tight lipped smile.
"Yeah, sure," she hummed before turning to you, placing a hand on your arm. "Have fun! I'll see you later."

It was clear that this was part of her plan. She wasn't dressed in a costume, with the exception of the black cape she wore over a red tank top and dark jeans, so she wasn't there for the party. She came with you just so she can dump you on him so she could go back home and have a night alone with her boyfriend.

Ethan turned back to you, making you quickly look away from him in hopes you didn't get caught checking him out.

He noticed, but didn't say anything about it. Instead he held his free hand out to you, grinning at your shyness. "It's nice to meet you,"

When you looked up at him again, you let your tense shoulders drop and took his hand. You can't help but notice the size difference, how his hand covered yours completely, and it sets butterflies loose all over your body. *Nice to meet you,"

Unbeknownst to you, Ethan also noticed just how small you were compared to him, and that by itself was enough to make him feel the overwhelming need to protect you and put a stop to his sister's plans.

It continued with quiet begs.

Behind Quinn's closed door, he stood in front of where she sat on her bed, looking up at him with crossed arms. "This wasn't part of the plan, Ethan,
"Change the plan," he said desperately, covered from his shoulders down by the black robe. "Please, Quinn, don't touch her. Please."

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