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Hope always lingered in the back of your head after the news confirmed that Detective Bailey and Quinn were dead.
Ethan's disappearance remained unknown. No knowledge, no information on where he could be. The group saw it as good news. That they were once again free from being chased and no longer having to look over their shoulders. It was liberating. The beginning of a fresh start again. The trauma still remained though. The nightmares lingered, projecting behind your eyelids every time you closed them.
Various flashes of blood and knifes painted your restless nights. Though it was his face that kept you from to sleep.
The memories of before, of what you considered to have been the happiest days you could have had. The promises of forever twisted into false statements with the removal of the mask. You didn't think he'd be the one behind it. You didn't know what to think anymore.
You had made it known the party that you swore you saw someone that resembled Ethan one afternoon. The crowded subway made it impossible to allow you to catch a second glimpse. You pushed and moved passed people and in the end, you were left with nothing but the faint catch of dark brown curls.
Chad reminded you that his betrayal could have made you hallucinate or possibly mistaken someone for Ethan by accident. The need for answers and your need for closure to help close this particular chapter in your life was what could have brought on the want for that person on the subway to have been him. You knew better. Your gut telling you that it was him, that you weren't hallucinating or making him up.
You knew better...and no one wanted to believe you.

You unlock your apartment and walk inside. Your keys clattering on the glass bowl on the table by the door. You remove your jacket and bag. Sighing in relief that you were finally able to distress and take bring down your armor. It was your guard that didn't fall though. You froze in place seeing the outline of the silhouette standing in front of your window. The window behind down a blind divider to peek out. You didn't need him to turn around to know it was him.
His jacket and back pack on the carpet was enough to clarify who entered your home.
"Hey! You had the late shift at the cafe right? It's why you barely got home... You thank the fact his back is turned to you. You didn't want him to see you flinch at just the mere sound of his voice.
"E-Ethan." You greet. Though it felt more like a question.
"-I still had the spare you gave to me.." He takes the key out of his jacket pocket. The clatter make your flinch against as it rattled on top of your small dining table. You stiffen with he eventually does turn around. "I know what surprises me more. The fact you didn't replace the locks or that fact you saw me and didn't turn me in."
Your questions were answered.
"So it was you. on the train that day."
"You caught me off guard that day.. He looks down. A tiny smirk as he quirks a brow at you. "Y-You're done with classes around 4...I thought I was in the clear." He nervously laughs.
"You kept tabs on me didn't you?" You gape at him.
"It was the only way I could keep you close."

You scoff. Crossing your arms.'
"You're full of shit!" You pick
up a pillow and launch it at him. "You son of bitch. You think you can come into my home like you own the goddamn place, expect me to receive you with a smile and and accept your hey. Go to hell!" You round the couch to get up in his face. His jaw clenches as he lets your words be thrown at him. *You have some nerve coming back, especially after everything. Anika was our friend.....Chad for gods sake! I let you in. I introduced you to my friends! I loved you!" You cry.
Your hands pushing and beating against his chest. He stumbles back, taking blowing after blow. A solemn frown painting his features. His eyes getting teary eyed. "I let you in... told you my life story, my insecurities, let you in, and you threw it all away so you could what- kill my friends! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you and your stupid face, and for making me fall in love with you. I gave you everything I had left of myself.. did you even really love me?" You sneer up at him with so much anger and hatred for him. "Or was that all apart of you and family's plans... You ball your fist against his chest. Head falling against him. Your faint sniffled and cries breaking him. "I knew... You nod. Ethan gently runs his fingertips over your fist, flattening out your palm to rest against his shirt. "I knew you weren't dead, and no one believed him."
"I'm here." He reassures.
"I hate you so much.. Your lips trembling as your eyes rake over his face. The curves and dents of his features memorably welcoming. "How could you? We're talked about a future together...you gave me hope of a someday...Why would you do that to me? Put me through all this shit?" A tears falls down your cheeks. He lifts his hand to wipe it away. The instinctually find yourself leaning into his hand, pressing your cheek up against his palm. It was home.

"My dad he uh- He gave me an ultimatum after I didn't want to follow through with his plan." He swallowed thickly. His brows furrowing in thought. "It was either I go through with the plan like told us...or he'd kill you."
Your faces scrunched in confusion. "When did you...Why didn't you want to go through with it anymore?"
"It was after our first date.." He looked down. A sad smile doting his face now. "You asked me if I wanted to play a game called 36 questions. I said yes. So we played.....and one of the questions you asked was if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living and why..." He looked back up at you with intensity. *You answered first and said you wouldn't change anything cause it brought you closer to the people you loved. That if you had changed something...you wouldn't have met me." A tear fell down his cheek. You braced a teary eyed smile, nodding.
"I did..? You breathe out.
"I knew right there.../ knew." He nodded. "I don't blame you if you decide to hate me forever. The things I did can't be forgiven or forgotten, and l'm gonna love with that guilt...
He sniffles. "-I never gave you my answer that day.. He shutters out a faint exhale.
"You'd change something?"
"The only thing I'°d change would be to have met you and your friends under better circumstances. That I didn't met you out of the sake of my dad wanting revenge for my brother. That's all I'd change.." He shrugs.
"I don't think I'd change the way me met." You disagree.
"Why not?"

"Cause you fit right in from the start... You shrug. "Chad brought you along one day, and the rest was history. Even if you did juke the roommate lottery and attempt to Jill's us.
You came into our lives... my life. I don't think we would have even crossed paths if you were just Ethan Landry the transfer student going to the same school as Woodsboro survivors. Was the outcome one I would have never imagined.....yeah and it fucking hurt." You admit solemnly.
"But I wouldn't change how we met for anything." You shake your head. "I don't forgive you.. Ethan shoulders drop at your words. "Not right now.....It's gonna take me some time...
Chad, the girls, they won't take you back. Maybe in a few years, but this...not right now. You gesture between you two. "It's too much. I just need time okay."
"I'll wait for you." He admits like it was simple.
"Then you'll be doing that for a while." You breathe out a laugh.
"I'll wait a life time for you." You stare back at his kicked puppy dog eyes. You groan, face palming.
"You can't say shit like that!" You whine. You turn around and walk to your room.
"But I'm serious.." He defends, following after you.
"I know!" You look back at him over your shoulder.

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