This Realisation Was Purely Mad

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I walked back to the common room acting aloof despite all the stares from everyone. I know many must have celebrated my fall. Right now the only thing I care about is Tom and Tom alone.

Caroline saw me and came up to me. We started talking about what happened in classes while I was in the hospital wing. I have missed out on a lot. Weasley got his hair turned pink in potions. Hermione made up with Harry and now they are on good terms. Tom though had been not so well.

"He didn't even sleep! We had to force him to take a sleeping potion and calming draughts." Caroline rambled on and I grew more horrified and guiltier by the second. I know that fall wasn't my fault but somehow he believed it was. I mean he had warned me about quidditch before and I had just brushed it off. Despite the injury and Tom's madness, I won't stop playing quidditch.

"What's the password?" I asked as we stood in front of the Slytherin door.

"Damn the Gryffindors." She spoke proudly, I snorted and said it. I know all the Slytherins must have been angry about what happened but this was funny. "Um, I have got to go to feed my cat." Care said and ran off. I looked up to see Tom and I knew I had to talk to him about this even though fear filled me. I walked up to him and held his arm, "Can we please sort it out? In my room." He, to my surprise, nodded and came with me.

I closed the door and-

I was now pressed against it as Tom's lips moved with mine. It was fierce and everything happened so quickly that I had no chance to think. He backed off quickly.

''I think I like you too much. More than anything Draco. I want to devour you and kiss you and be with you. What are you doing to me? I'm a mess. I think I love you but that isn't possible!" He said panting heavily. I was trying to get some air in too. "Tom, what are we?" I huffed loudly.

"Merlin, love has made me a sap."He shook his head. "We're soulmates Draco, you and I. When you got hit, nothing made me feel so scared and-and weak. In the hospital wing, I couldn't stop thinking about you and being with you, I just couldn't leave your side. I was so afraid I would lose you. So afraid."

"Tom-" I said with realisation hitting me like a train.

"We are soulmates for Merlin's sake!" This was crazy but so crazy it just might be true.

"When I did the asked me if I could be your other half, your soul. That is why you feel what I feel and the connection we have and why you are acting soft! It all makes sense now." I said pacing in the room as Tom stared at me wild-eyed. The realisation hit him too and never had I seen him so shocked and speechless. Tom was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands when I kneeled in front of him. "Tom, we are soulmates," I said and he looked at me, brushing my blond hair behind my ear. We stuck our foreheads to each other and breathed softly looking into each other's eyes. In his sight, I saw myself. I saw myself being the first person Tom truly ever cared about and loved.

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