Chapter 3

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At the Palace Arena just below the Jade Palace, palace staff are preparing for the tournament while children play and the villagers stream into the arena. It was then that the Arena zooms out, then moves outside the entrance doors and zooms down the thousand steps leading down to the village. It suddenly stops at the bottom where we see Izuku who was staring open-mouthed at the daunting task ahead of him. He closes his mouth with a gulp, and begins to ascend the stairs, though is severely hindered by the noodle cart. Villagers move past him as he slowly makes progress. Some time later, Izuku was still ascending the stairs, dragging his cart behind him, exhausted. He stops for a breather and flops onto his back.

Izuku:Oh God...I'm... almost there... huh? [He sits up, and sees to his despair that he has only made it up seven steps.] No! Oh noooo!

He said while frustrated at the fact he only made to seven steps, he may not be fit but he wasn't fat either...but he did look like a walking stick with little muscle on his body even though he eats alot but he never looks like he's ever gaining weight.

Then Two villagers, the Shaw brothers, pass by and meet Izuku on the stairs.]

K.G. Shaw:Sorry, Midoriya.

J.R. Shaw:We'll bring you back a souvenir.

They continue up the stairs with Izuku who stares after them, and then makes a decision.

Izuku:No... I'll bring me back a souvenir! [He casts away his apron and noodle hat, and makes his way up to the palace, leaving the noodle cart behind.]

Up in the arena, Shifu is overseeing the preparations when Master Torino appears, coming down the steps.]

Shifu:It is an historic day — isn't it, Master Torino?

Torino:Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see. Are your students ready?

Shifu:Yes, Master Torino.

Torino:Now know this, old friend. Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the Valley, but also to you.

Torino walks off, leaving Shifu to ponder what this may mean. He quickly catches up with him as the crowd roars with excitement with A announcer approaches with a gong in his hoof.

Announcer:Let the tournament begin!

He strikes the gong as the crowd cheers. Outside the arena, we see Izuku, who finally reaches the top of the stairs and out of breath, but pleased with himself but His joy is cut short when he sees the entrance doors beginning to close.

Izuku:Oh, no! [He sprints for the doors.] No no no, wait... I'm coming! Yes! [The doors slam shut as he slams into them.] Owww... [He collapses and The tournament music starts up. He quickly gets back up and bangs in the door.] Hey, open the door! [With the Drummers rapping on drums drown out Izuku's banging.] Let me in!

Shifu:[Inside the arena] Citizens of the Valley of Peace! [Izuku runs up to a small circular window, jumps and grabs it, and struggles to pull himself up and see inside.] It is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! The Furious Five!

Izuku laughs in delight as his idols leap onto the scene in a stunning display of kung fu prowess with Master Crane Using a pair of giant fans that're his primary weapons sends a powerful gust of wind into the arena.]

But with that sends Izuku back and onto the ground amjibg him groan.

Shifu:Warriors prepare!

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