Chapter 14

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At the top of the stairs outside the Hall of Warriors, Toshinori was seen looking upon the valley, awaiting his fate. In the valley below, the lights from the evacuation make their way out of the valley. In a blink of Toshinori's eyes, Katsuki Bakugo, the one who he taught almost everything appears before him.

"I've come home, Master" Katsuki paying his respects to his former Master and also guardian but Toshinori simply glared, "This is no longer your home. And I am no longer your master" Toshinori said to the young man who only smirked.

"Ah yes. You have a new favorite. So where is this... Izuku? [Chuckles] Did I scare him off?" He said this as his eyes had hint of a glow.

This only made Toshinori to narrow his eyes, "This battle is between you and me."

This made Katsuki to turn his back on Toshinori, "So...That is how it's going to be?" He said.

"That is how it must be." Saying this as he puts himself in a kung fu position.

As soon as Katsuki saw that, he growled while having a smirk of his face and with a few seconds, he attacks while jumping high in the air into the sky to obscure Toshinori's vision and at the last second the Master dodges an attack from Katsuki that caused the ground the crack as they fought, Katsuki punches Toshinori clean through the doors of the Jade Palace but depsite his appearance and also health, he recovers himself quickly and faces his former student. Katsuki enters, his face a mask of pure fury.

"I rotted in jail for years because of your weakness!" Katsuki screamed out.

"Obeying your master is not weakness!" Toshinori said with Katsuki glaring at him, "You knew I was the Dragon Warrior! You always knew..."

Dissolve to a Flashback. In the Hall of Warriors, Toshinori presents Katsuki to Master Torino. Both a slightly younger Katsuki and Toshinori look expectant and then Torino gives Toshinori a look which causes Him to be in dismayed.

"But when Torino said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do?!"

Katsuki looks to Toshinori who averts his eyes and the past dissolves into the present.

"NOTHING!" Katsuki yelled out in rage towards Toshinori.

"You were not meant to be the Dragon Warrior! That was not my fault!" Toshinori said which only made the flames of anger in Katsuki's heart to burn even more brighter.

"NOT YOUR FAULT?!" Katsuki scream as he pointed at Toshinori, enrage he knocks over the kung fu artifacts and throws them at Toshinori.


As he screamed out, more of the many artifacts he threw towards Toshinori  who dodges each attack with ease but Katsuki kicks a sword at him, and Toshinori counters it and redirects it into the floor.

"It was never my decision to make!" He said which made Katsuki growls and leaps for the next artifact. He pauses as recognises Torino's staff. Realising what this means, he picks it up and faces Toshinori.

"It is now." Saying this to anger Toshinori as he finally goes on the offensive as they fight, Katsuki got the upper hand amd pins Toshinori down with his strength with staff by his former masters throat.

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