Great Feast

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As I walk off the Hogwarts express, I hear the whispers as I walk by. The rumors on what happened last year get wilder and further from the truth. I try to keep my head down as I collect my trunk. This year I decided to get an owl. Technically I rescued her from a camp of poachers outside of the hamlet I now live in. My arms strain as I carry my trunk. My body complaining from the lack of rest all summer. I've spent the past months running from my house to the different poacher camps and taking them down. Every day. Well, almost. I grimace as I remember the why.

I discreetly try and look around as students collect their belongings. I haven't seen Poppy, Natty, Imelda, Ominis or Sebastian. At least I saw Garreth and Leander were outside the barrier when I went through. I almost chuckle as I remember that Garreth already has a brilliant potion he wants to try. Luckily I have also been collecting potion ingredients and have the rare item Garreth is looking for.

I realize I can't stay here longer waiting to spot my friends. So I slowly walk towards the thestral pulled carriages. I pull out some feed I keep handy and toss it to the thestrals pulling carriage I picked. As they eat I load up the carriage with my things. Taking extra care with my owl cage. I accidentally almost dropped her loading her into the car earlier and she's not very happy about it.

I jump onto the carriage and the thestrals immediately walk forward. I'm very thankful that I was able to keep this carriage to myself. I didn't want anyone else to ask me if the rumor they heard was true, or what exactly had happened to Professor Fig, or any other question I know I wouldn't be able to answer.

Now that I'm on the carriage I really start to worry that I haven't seen most of my friends yet. I had received some sparse letters from Poppy and Natty. But I hadn't received anything from Ominis or Sebastian. I knew why, but it still hurt. I had helped Sebastian, hopefully kept him out of Azkaban and in Hogwarts. I just wanted to know that he was safe.

A shameful part though is happy I hadn't seen either of the Slytherin boys. I don't know if I can see how the last year has affected both of my bes- well hopefully still friends. Ominis was still angry with Sebastian at the end of the year last year. But he tried to hide it, knowing how much Sebastian was struggling with what he did, and what it all meant. Sebastian was... distraught. It took both me and Ominis to get him to study for his OWLs and to show up to class at least somewhat regularly. Everyone knew about his uncle, but everyone had assumed his uncle had just not been able to fight off some of Rookwood's or Ranrok's followers.

Anne had kept quiet about what had really happened, then she silently slipped away before the end of the year. One day, soon after the funeral, me and Sebastian went to check on her in Feldcroft, and she just wasn't there. The whole house had been empty. Sebastian had lost it. He began casting basic spells at the walls. He almost cast bombarda but I took his wand away. Turning my wand on him had hurt, and panic had risen in my chest. But I shoved it down for him, to make sure he was alright. The walk back to Hogwarts was very silent and tense that day.

I look up and realize we've arrived at the gates. I hope I haven't been in the carriage long. I shake my head and go to gather my things. Ever since last year, I find myself lost in my memories in those calm moments. I remember the first time we found the Triptych, the first time Professor Fig showed me a spell. Natty falling to the ground, Poppy's smile as we found the Snydgets and countless other memories, both happy and horrible. That's why I couldn't stay in that house all summer.

I look around as I walk through the gates and finally spot Poppy and Natty. I run to them and call their names. As they turn to me we all share a huge smile and I feel relief. They're still my friends. I still have them.

We animatedly chat about our summers, I lie and say I spent it caring for some of my beast and reading, hoping to give a nice balance and not get more questions. Poppy spent it with her grandmother, learning more about beasts and caring for a brood of Puffskins her grandmother found abandoned near their home. Natty went with her mother to visit their family. Our short and few letters make sense now. I try and hope the same is true for Ominis and Sebastian.

We split up to our separate tables as we near the Great Hall. I love my house, I really do, but sometimes I wish I had been placed with my friends, any of them. I'm not particularly close to anyone in my house. I guess that's my fault. I did spend all of last year running to the Forbidden Forest, doing trials, and just catching up to everyone else. This year i will hopefully have more time to spend in my favorite spot of my common room, the terrace over the Ravenclaw common room. Last year, after everything, I spent countless hours studying under the moonlight. Sometimes I'd even fall asleep there, letting the stars keep me company.

I glance to the Slytherin table hoping to catch a glimpse of Ominis or Sebastian. I look around and find a set of eyes already looking at me. Sebastian. I don't think I was sure he'd attend Hogwarts until this moment. I feel so relieved I'm sure he can see it all over my face. He looks at me confused, with something else fading from his features. He shakes his head and looks down at the book he has placed in front of him. I look to his left, and his right, but I don't see Ominis. I immediately start to worry for him.

Headmaster Black gives a short speech and the plates fill to the brim. I force myself to talk to my classmates near me and appear cheerful. But my mind is on Ominis and where he could be. And why Sebastian had looked confused when he saw me.

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