The Lake

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Really, none of us are sure if this part is considered part of the lake. I start the walk towards our spot, thankful most students are headed in the opposite direction towards the larger shores on the other side of the school. A few, likely to get away from the crowds, are taking the path back to get the path that goes towards the shores by Lower Hogsfield. Thankfully the trees along our spot hide anyone from being seen from that path. When they all pass me, I make my way through the rarely used dead-end path. It leads directly to a small shore of the lake. I walk to the grassy area under a group of trees. I cut some of the grass using my wand and diffindo to make it more comfortable for us to sit in. I use Sebastian's idea, and take my own cloak off to lay down on the freshly cut grass. I lay down with my face to the sun that peeks through the trees, placing my hands behind my head. The uncut grass behind me is likely shielding me from anyone who might pass by on this path. It's not far from the Care of Magical Creature's classroom, but we found that students will go to the shores on the other side of the lake, closer to Hogsmeade.

I must drift off to sleep after I lay down because I wake up when the spot of light over my face darkens. I slowly open my eyes and see Sebastian standing over me.

"Hey sleepy princess." he says grinning.

Ominis next to him smiles, "Hi Iris"

I start sitting up, "Hi, I didn't think I'd fall asleep." I rub my eyes to try and clear some of the sleepiness away.

I scoot to try to make space for the boys on my cloak, But Sebastian sets his cloak down too, noticing with our school supplies we likely won't fit comfortably on only one cloak. Ominis sits on the far end of Sebastian's cloak, while Sebastian sits where the two cloaks meet. I ask Sebastian to pass me my bag, and we all bring out our books and parchment for our assignments. Time slowly passes as we all idly chat and get our assignments. After some time passes I start rubbing my shoulders absentmindedly.

"Here, turn around." Sebastian begins to place his books and parchment down. I turn around with my work still on my lap. He starts to gently rub my shoulders, "Is this okay?" I hear him whisper behind me.

"Yeah, thank you," I say as I lean my head slightly back, "I didn't realize I needed that. I should probably not sit up on my bed to do homework so often"

"You can pencil in an appointment any time." Sebastian says with a smile in his voice.

"I want to pencil in my appointment too." Ominis says, the smirk clear in his voice.

I laugh but Sebastian replies, "Don't worry, you're next."

"Thank you." I pat his hand on my shoulder and look at him over my shoulder with a smile. He smiles back, the sun lighting his hair making the golden tones stand out. His brown eyes reflect the green from the trees and grass perfectly. I can't control the small intake of breath. I hope he didn't hear it, but his smile pulls up on one side into his confident smirk.

"I think Ominis has an appointment now, right Ominis?"

"No, no, I think you have a few minutes left, Iris."

"I think Iris just forfeited her last few minutes," Sebastian teases as he moves next to Ominis, and uses his elbow to rub Ominis' back.

Ominis chuckles, "Somehow I think this isn't exactly how Iris got hers."

We laugh, and Sebastian switches to his hands. Ominis turns to him, "I was kidding before, but I think I'm going to start setting up appointments."

"I think you found your calling." I say as I place my almost completed assignment aside and lay down again.

"Another nap??" Sebastian asks incredulously.

"I'm not napping, I'm just relaxing. You boys should try it."

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