Defense Against the Dark Arts

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The next morning I woke up early eager to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Everyone who had the class yesterday has been whispering that it's going to be our funnest yet. I've always liked all my classes at Hogwarts, well maybe not History of Magic but Defense Against the Dark Arts had one of my favorite teachers.

I run to take a quick shower. After trudging in the forest I know I need a hot shower. I would have wanted to wash off the forest grime last night but a shower at 2 am would have drawn too much attention considering everyone thought I had slept early.

I quickly walk to the Great Hall hoping to still catch the good food. I sigh dreamily when I see the chocolate croissants on my table. I bet Deek remembered my favorites. I'll have to take him something later today.

I'm having my second croissant with my coffee when I spot Sebastian and Ominis making their way to their table. I catch Sebastian's eye and wave to him. He waves and nudges Ominis who waves towards the Ravenclaw table direction. I smile at him even though I know he can't see me.

They both grab some food and pile on their plates and stand up and make their way to my table. Which is definitely not the Slytherin table.

"How's our favorite Ravenclaw?" Sebastian says as he sits down.

Some of my house mates look in our direction oddly, while different houses are allowed to mingle during breakfast and lunch, most students stick to their house tables.

"Good, how are my favorite Slytherin boys?" I say with an emphasis on the last word.

"Wishing I was still sleeping, right Ominis?"

He snorts "Speak for yourself, I can't wait for class today. I keep hearing good things about our lesson today.

"Me too, what do you think our lesson is?"

"I hope it's dueling practice. I can't wait for a rematch from last year." Sebastian says directly looking at me.

"I'd be happy to beat you again, winning two years in a row would settle me as the dueling champion forever. You should get me a trophy this time." I say teasing him. He's just as competitive as me and I know he's been wanting a rematch since that first day. He lifts one eyebrow at me and is about to respond,

"Don't start, it's too early to hear your-" Ominis pauses, "whatever this is."

I lock eyes with Sebastian and give him my best confident smile and bat my eyes at him jokingly as he goes for a drink of his English tea.

He stutters and turns an alarming shade of red.

Ominis gives an odd look in his direction and smirks before saying, "Anyway, I think the lesson is how to cast Patronus' from what I've heard."

We chat more about what Patronus' are, what we've heard of them, and what we think each of ours would be.

"What do you think mine will be, Iris?" Sebastian asks me.

"Hmmmm, that's difficult to say specifically there's just too many options, but i could try to describe some characteristics though, hmmm something that can defend itself well, maybe looks a bit intimidating hmm" I take a pause to think.

"But it's soft and cuddly." I add.

He quickly looks down and tries to hide the alarming shade of red rising in his cheeks, he's blushing so much he looks like the Gryffindor banner.

Ominis starts laughing and shaking his head. "Alright Iris, what about me?"

"I think it would have to be something that doesn't look dangerous, something maybe more medium sized? But it is feisty when provoked."

A Lesson in HealingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora