Leaving the Forest

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"Stupid beasts!" Someone shouts. Someone else shouts something else but it's hard to make out what they say.

"What's the plan?" Sebastian whispers there is undeniable anger in his voice.

"We disillusion, try and sneak behind some of their supplies. Sneak attack as many as we can before they notice. Then fight the ones who are left. Follow me."

We both silently disillusion ourselves. I can't see him, but I can sense his presence slightly behind me. Never too far behind.

We walk for five minutes and finally my revelio shows me where they are. We make our way behind the crates of supplies without being seen. I see about 4 poachers. Their clothes clearly set them out to be some of Ranrooks old followers. I wait in case others might show up. It's happened before, where a camp seems small but then as soon as I attack others show up.

"On the count of three, attack the one by the tent. I'll do the one by the fire." My whisper bearly heard in the wind of the forest, but Sebastian is so close to me, I can feel his arm pressing on my side.

"One...two...three" I raise my wand, "Depulso"


I throw the unsuspecting poacher into the fire, while Sebastian throws the blasting curse at the other poacher sending sparks to the tent that will likely catch. The fight begins immediately, our disillusionment wears off, and we move into the open space to duel more effectively. Suddenly I'm glad I've got Sebastian on my side again. I missed this dueling with him. We have always moved as one in duels, complimenting each other. Then I remember, the last time we dueled together was against his uncle.

One of the poachers I'm dueling aims his wand to my right, and I know he's trying to catch Sebastian off-guard.

"Diffindo!" I say with too much anger because a surge of ancient magic rushes through me. Too late to stop it the curse hits the two poachers. Quickly looking away and turning to the two fighting Sebastian. We make quick work of it. I try to keep my emotions low and calm, something almost impossible in the heat of battle, but I've gotten a lot better at it.

When the two finally go down, Sebastian turns to me, panting from the exertion. "They really were no match against both of us!" Then his eyes turn to the two poachers I was dueling. He's always been too perceptive. He's seen me use ancient magic in a duel, It doesn't take him more than a second to realize.

"I thought you said you didn't have ancient magic anymore?" He asks, I can hear he's slightly hurt thinking I lied about it. From his expression I know he's thinking about Anne

"No, I said I can't use ancient magic. I- There are some things I saw, things I found out. I can't use this magic, not like I hoped I would be able to. I'm not supposed to use it. I  just make sure it's safe." I hope he catches what I'm trying to say. I can't help Anne, but I wish I could.

"Right, right. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He pauses, looking towards where I know the poachers lie again.

"It was an accident. I sometimes can't control it, when I have strong emotions. I try my best, but sometimes it slips through." I explain.

"Oh." He looks back at me. He looks concerned, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's fine, I think. Accidents will happen, but I just can't use it on purpose."

He nods at my answer. Really I'm just trying to figure it out as well. After the battle with Ranrok, the keepers paintings stopped answering my questions, so I'm on my own.
"Is this the only camp or are there more?" He asks.

"I think there's more. But let's have a look around before we go."

I cast a quick aguamenti towards the tent that's burning, hoping the small bits of smoke didn't alert anyone that might be nearby. We step towards the other tent. I look around and find a chest with galleons in it. I pocket them quickly.

"Feel free to grab anything. I always do." I tell Sebastian when I see him still standing by the tent entrance.

"You look, I'll keep watch in case someone shows up."

I resume my search for proof there might be more poachers in the area again. I find more coins, this time in a pouch and throw them in my bag. I'll split it with Sebastian later. I find a chest with new clothes. Probably for disguises for the poachers when they go into Hogsmeade for supplies. I pocket those too. They can be sold for some coins to the vendors in the area. Then I see there's some parchment under a small chest on a desk. I scan it quickly. It's a letter to the poachers. Someone is giving them orders to gather a strange set of ingredients. Seems like they have a buyer who wanted some rare materials and gave them an advance but they were taking too long to gather what they had been paid to do. They were given instructions to work with another group of 3 to get the job done.

"Let's go, there might be other's coming."

Sebastian nods and seems to understand that I found more proof of there being more poachers in the area. We carefully and quickly make our way back to the entrance of the forest. When we can make out the thinning of the trees, he asks quietly,

"When are you coming to clear the other camp?"

"I don't know, I want to see what rumors fly after tonight. The letter says there were 3 more sent, but maybe they hadn't made it to the camp yet, or maybe they decided to split up. I'll have to do more scouting."

"Bring me with you. Any time, all the times."

I look towards him, he really does think I'd just leave him behind, even after all his help tonight. "Of course, each time," I smile, "But just know, you can always say no. I know sixth year won't be easy, and if you ever need to skip a trip, I won't be upset. I promise." I add.

He smiles at me, "Don't worry about me. I'll always help you."

We reach the edge of the forest, and I pull my broom out of my bag. And get on.

"Alright jump on, Sallow."

"This time actually be gentle Navarro." He says as he gets on the broom.

"No promises." I tease as I get us off the ground. Behind me he tenses and hides his face in my cloak again. "Kidding!" I say, turning to look at him and laughing at his reaction.

He looks up with a smirk, and there's a glint in his eye.

"What if I liked 'not gentle'?" His voice teasing with innuendo.

I roll my eyes at him, but can't seem to get the blush that's rushing to my cheeks to stop.

When we reach the walls of the castle he asks, "Where's the door?"

"Hidden, do you really think someone wouldn't notice that there's a door on the side of the castle? Even if it is far from the ground?"

"How do WE find it?"

I cast revelio and see the door is just to my left, I'm getting better at telling where the door is. I cast a quick glacius at the door and it appears. I make my way towards it.

"How'd you figure that out?" he asks in awe.

"A lot of trial and error. I thought I was going to be caught that night!"

"THAT'S why you don't go out on your own, you have to take your smart Slytherin best friend with you." He teases as we jump off the broom into the passageway.

"You're right! Sadly Ominis wasn't available." I try to say very seriously.

"Ha ha" as he grabs my hand again.

When we're further in the passageway, he quietly says "Thank you, for taking me with you."

I know he's not just thanking me for that. 

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