Before the Lake

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The days had been unseasonably cool since we all arrived at Hogwarts. But this morning when I woke up, I felt the sun on my face and the blankets on my bed felt too warm. I shot straight out of bed happy that it was a Friday with only one class and we'd get to enjoy the warm weather. Thankfully my Friday class was early in the morning and outdoors. Care of Magical Creatures is one of my favorite classes, and even if I hadn't gotten a great O.W.L. in it I would still be taking the class.

I get dressed quickly, and stuff my shorter sleeved cloak into my bag. I roll up my sleeves eager to soak up as much warm sunlight as I can. I pull on my boots and some thin knee high socks. Even though I usually wear pants to Care of Magical Creatures the warm weather has me deciding to wear a skirt with my uniform.

I practically skip to the Great Hall. For a change Sebastian and Ominis are already sitting at their table, their plates piled high. They spot me and Sebastian grabs both plates as they walk to the Ravenclaw table. I sit but they don't join me rather stand to the side.

"Grab your food and meet us outside." Sebastian says as a greeting. I smile and pile my plate with all of my favorite breakfast foods,some blueberries and blackberries, scrambled eggs, a couple pancakes with butter and syrup, and a warm croissant. Sadly there's no chocolate in them today. I levitate a book, then place my plate and some cups for us. I make sure to grab tea and a teapot for Sebastian and Ominis. I quickly prepare my coffee to join the boys outside.

When I'm outside I spot the boys by a bench and make my way over. Sebastian grabs the cloak in his arms and places it on the floor for us to sit cross legged and we start to set up the bench as a table.

I try to object, but he shows me an extra cloak in his bag, "Don't worry this is an old set." and continues to set up.

When I place the teapot on the makeshift table, Sebastian sends an appreciative smile my way. Ominis smiles too when he hears the small cup of milk I brought for his tea.

"You're so lucky you have Care of Magical Creatures today." Ominis nods in agreement with Sebastian, "We're stuck inside in Ancient Runes today."

"You say that now but when winter rolls around you'll be happy to be inside for each class." I tilt my head up to the sun. And hold my coffee in my hands letting the warmth seep into me.

Sebastian hums in agreement, knowing from when he took Professor Howin's class that even though she tries her best some classes have to be outside in the winter.

"I was thinking, why don't we go sit by the lake after our classes, we can get some of our assignments done and enjoy the good weather." Ominis suggests.

"Yes, when are you out of class?" I ask

They let me know their class ends half an hour after mine. We agree to meet at our spot by the lake. It's been our spot since the spring of last year, when we spent as much time as we could outside trying to help Sebastian feel better.

My class starts before theirs and I have to say goodbye first. Sebastian hands me a napkin with berries ready for me, "Take it, for the road."

I take the bundle in my hands and he stands to hand me my bag. He gently places it on my shoulder. I turn to both boys and tell them I'll see them later. As I walk away I hear Ominis' low chuckle. I take a small glance back and see Ominis nudge Sebastian on his shoulder lightly. Sebastian is smiling and shaking his head at Ominis, saying something in a low voice that I can't hear from where I am. I turn around and keep walking to class.

I step back through the hall quickly and make my way towards the viaduct courtyard. The sun is warming up every corner of the large space. There's already some students setting up games of gobstones, while others are sitting on the steps and benches with books. I walk through the bridge and towards the viaduct entrance. Once back inside, I remember Sebastian's words and feel bad my friends have to spend their morning inside. I pass the greenhouse entrance and see many students animatedly going to class. Once I keep walking at a slightly slower pace after all the stairs. But soon I'm outside again and I can spot three classmates walking to class. Just as I thought, Professor Howin is waiting for us in the shaded part of the classroom outside the hut.

Professor Howin let's us know we'll be working with Diricawls today, which is perfect. I have four very happy Diricawls in the Room of Requirement. I've also been able to rescue others who were more ready to be back in the wild.

We feed the creatures and get to brush their feathers. The professor shows us how it's possible to safely, and humanely gather the feathers from them that can be used in potions. We all laugh when the Diricawls disappear and appear next to the brushes as we begin brushing them and feeding them. Poppy is my partner in class and we take turns brushing the Diricawls.

"Did you go after the new poachers Iris?" She asks suddenly when we're both in the pen feeding the creatures.

"I-" I stop, not knowing if I should be honest or try to keep as vague about the situation and my involvement as I can.

She smiles, sensing my hesitation and what it must mean, "Thank you, next time you don't have to go alone. You know I can help, like last year."

I appreciate her offer but after her grandmother got taken by the poachers and she revealed her grandmother is really the only person she has left, I'm not willing to risk either of them. The poachers might try worse retaliation this time around. Poppy deserves to have her grandmother for a long long time. I reassure her, "Don't worry, I didn't go alone. Besides, I wouldn't want anything to happen to your grandmother."

"I could still join you. We could figure something out to make sure no one tells anyone I'm there." She asks.

"Really, it's just some dueling, and from what I gathered they hadn't grabbed any creatures from the forest yet. It's really only a handful that are probably around." I add trying to convince her to stay here. Considering how quickly both me and Sebastian won the duel, any others we find wouldn't be a problem.

She narrows her eyes a bit when she hears dueling, and then smiles, "Right, dueling. Well, if you and your mysterious person ever need help, just let me know."

"Could-" I try to ask.

She interrupts smiling kindly, "Don't worry I won't tell anyone, just let me know when you're going so at least someone in the castle knows you left."

I promise to let her know by owl or in person. The rest of the class flies by as we learn more about the Diricawls as we care and interact with them. As I grab my bag I think about how easy the class felt. I'm not sure if it was easy because I have Diricawls or if the professor is going easier on us because of the nice weather. Either way I'm happy as I start my walk to our spot by the lake. 

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