The Forest Part 1

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When we walk into the Great Hall for dinner, Poppy instantly goes to me.

"Come, Iris, we have to talk about that Care of Magical Creatures assignment."She says as she pull me away from Sebastian and Ominis.

Ominis and Sebastian don't look the least bit alarmed. But I am, we didn't have any assignments for Care of Magical Creatures this week.

When we're in the small side hall, away from all the other students, I finally ask Poppy, "What's happened?"

"I saw one! I went to Hogsmeade for some supplies after going to the lake with Natty. I saw a poacher. They were also buying some supplies, but no one noticed them because they were dressed in normal clothes. They just blended in. But I know it was one." She says with urgency, she likely thinks I won't believe her, but I had seen the change of clothes in a camp myself.

"I believe you." I sigh, "Here's what I'll do, I'll go check out the area again, see if others took over the encampment we cleared." Poppy gives me a look and I add, "I won't go alone. I promise, I'll ask S-someone." I want to cringe as I almost revealed Sebastian's involvement. But Poppy just nods with a coy look in her eye, like I just confirmed something for her.

"Alright, let me know how it goes tomorrow." She goes to grab my hand and squeezes it once, "Good luck, to you both." She gives me one last smile and walks to her table.

Now I just need to think of a way to let Sebastian know to meet me, without alerting Ominis. On my way towards my usual spot in the Ravenclaw table,I try to think of a way to pull him aside without anyone suspecting anything, when I notice a 7th year Slytherin girl approach a Ravenclaw girl at my table. I only think twice about copying her actions when the Ravenclaw goes to the door of the hall and the two slink away holding hands. Maybe copying exactly what they didn't might not be the best idea, but if I could just find something to ask him about. Something visible that would help not make it seem like a couple sneaking off. I get to my seat and try to dig around my bag for something, but I can't find anything I can use. I curse myself for taking out all the books from the classes I do have with Sebastian. I grab one of the few thing I could use, a quill, and break it. Then I toss it into my bag, and stand up to go to the Slytherin table. 

I reach the table, and he hasn't noticed me yet, so I lean on his right side, since Ominis is to his left, with my hand on his arm and whisper close to his ear, "Hi, can I talk to you?" Trying to be similar but not too similar to the display I saw earlier. Close enough to not cause any questions about my presence.

He looks at me, his eyes looking a shade darker than usual in the low light, "Let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me away from his friends. As we walk away, I hear them laughing and I know exactly what they're probably thinking, maybe it was too similar. I almost turn back to clear it up, but it's better they don't suspect the real reason I pulled him away. My broken quill will clear it up anyway, I hope. We really did need to figure out communication methods. When we reach a corner of the hall, I angle myself in sight of the Slytherin table and go to dig around in my bag. Sebastian looks at me confused.

"Can you come with me to the forest tonight?" I say, still looking slightly down, and pulling out the broken quill. My less than perfect excuse for pulling Sebastian away.

As soon as I do, he smiles and rolls his eyes, "We REALLY need a better way to communicate, Navarro." He chuckles and places his hand over his face, dragging it down as he lightly chuckles.

"Give me some credit, I thought it in the moment. You're lucky I made some changes to the original plan" I say trying placing the broken quill back in my bag. "Also can I actually borrow a quill, this was my last one." I add sheepishly.

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