The Undercroft

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Rare Sebastian's POV

After the feast, I make my way towards the Undercroft. I'm not sure if Iris will be there but something about the look on her face when she saw me looking at her gave me the idea she might want to talk.

I look around before opening the clock passageway and step inside, there is no one there. Maybe i'm stupid for thinking she wants to talk to me after she returned all of my letters throughout the summer. I know why Ominis didn't write as much as I wrote him. After- after the end of last year, he was forced to go back to his family over the summer. It had been horrible to see him get on the train, limping slightly. After some coaxing he told me what happened... I took him to the infirmary immediately after we got off the train. I was immediately sent off to the feast by Madam Blainey. Maybe he's still there, if he hasn't been sent to rest in our room. I decide to wait an hour before making my way to the dungeons and seeing if Ominis is back.

After some time, the door to the Undercroft opens and I see that familiar coffee brown hair. I realize as I see her, how much I was hoping I hadn't misinterpreted her looks. How much I hope she's here to explain that her returning my letters unopened didn't mean she was done with me.

"Sebastian" She says looking at the floor.

"Iris" I hate how breathy it comes out. I clear my throat.


"Why didn't you write, Sebastian? I just thought- I would have wanted to know if you were safe." She says with a tone that lets me know she's upset, angry even.

I stare at her.

"What?" Is all that comes out because I had written every day those first weeks. Sending owl after owl and each of them came back with the letter still tied to their feet unopened. After a while, I had to stop. I had come to terms with it. Iris didn't want to speak to me anymore, maybe she had realized that what I had done had been too much. I wasn't mad in the end. But for her to say I didn't write when she hadn't even read my letters, what was happening?

"I wrote you, everyday. For weeks. YOU never read my letters."

She looks at me carefully, and I know she is looking any indication I'm lying. She takes a second, and I can tell she believes me.

"I never received any of them"

"They all came back, on the same owls I sent them in, unopened. I had to stop eventually." I quickly add "I was starting to look desperate, I've a reputation to uphold." Trying to add some humor.

"Did Ominis write me too?" On her face is an expression I know well, she's thinking, trying to puzzle out what had happened. She completely ignores my attempt at lightening the situation.

"I'm not sure."

She starts pacing, muttering under her breath, "barely any letters- Poppy- Natty- Sebastian- all summer- Ominis- oh no- what if he hates me-" She stops abruptly.

"Where is Ominis? I didn't see him at the feast."

"He's resting. I think it's best if he tells you why." I try not to give too much away.

"Right. I didn't get any letters from him. Please tell him. I- I barely got any from Poppy and Natty. I thought that maybe they were just busy, but now I think that maybe some of their letters were sent back, or stopped somehow too."

We stand there for a second, both of us looking to the ground. I'm not sure what to say, because all summer I thought she didn't want to be my friend anymore. But now she's telling me, she never even received any of my letters.

"I'm sorry Sebastian." We look at each other. "I would never ignore you like that. I hope you know that. You're my best friend."

I smile. Her best friend. A knot I didn't know I had in my chest loosens. But I also feel a little disappointed..

"You and Ominis. You're the closest thing I've got to family now" She continues with a sad look on her face. I desperately want to see her smile, it has been so long since i've seen her smile. Best friend, it will have to be enough.

"So am I like your big brother?" I say teasing her, it's so easy with her, to be like my old self. I feel lighter just by having her near me again.

She laughs "You wish! I'm 17 in a few days. I'm the responsible one, always saving you and Ominis"

"17?!? Oh no I'm friends with an-"

"Don't. You. Dare." She interrupts as she gives me a fire-y look.

There's a beat and then we both break out laughing so hard we're crying. We both know we're not laughing at my joke, not really. When we both calm down, she looks at me with an odd expression, and runs at me and hugs me. I'm almost knocked down by the force, but I hold her there, as we both tightly hug each other like the other might disappear any second.

"Best friends?" I hear her whisper in my ear. I can almost hear the words she's not saying, not brother, best friends, leaving space for more. And I hope I'm not just imagining it.

"The bestest of friends" I say and we both chuckle as we stand in the Undercroft. I slowly let her go, wishing I could stay here longer with her, but I have to check on Ominis.

"I have to go back, I want to talk to Ominis before he goes to sleep."

"Alright, I'll see you both later, tell him I said hello."

We both walk to the entrance and she goes first having disillusioned herself just in case there is someone nearby. When I go after her, she's gone and I make my way back to the common room without being spotted. Ominis is already asleep when I make it back. I sigh in relief at him being safe now in Hogwarts and healed. I head to bed, and I swear I can still smell Iris. Her flowery chamomile scent mixed in with the woody scent of being outdoors, and the parchment of old books. It was later in the day, so the soft smell of coffee from the morning had already faded on her.

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