First Day

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I wake up the next day still feeling the weight of Sebastian's arms around me. I smile as I think of him writing to me, and not just deciding to not speak to me all summer. But now the mystery of who was returning my letters remains, and if they took letters from other people who wrote to me in the summer. It is hard to see what angle to approach, I don't want to just ask people if they sent me letters in case the person who was stopping them hears that I know what happened. After everything that happened last year, I can imagine there are a lot of people who might want to find something to use against me in those letters. They haven't caught all of Ranrok's and Rookwood's followers. 

After getting ready for the day, I head down for breakfast before Charms class. Almost everyone is sitting at their tables animatedly chatting with their friends. When I sit to serve myself some coffee, Poppy sits down next to me.

"Iris, I just heard something horrible!"

"What happened Poppy?"

"The poachers are back in the Forbidden Forest. I really hoped after our efforts last year we'd have more time before they came back, but apparently some have been spotted going into the forest to set up a camp."

"Oh no, I hoped they'd stay away longer too. I know an auror, they helped me and Natty, maybe I can see what they say." I lie, I've already know I'll be going to check out the camp and clear them out myself. I can't believe they're back. But if they are, they're going to regret it. Poppy says goodbye and heads back to her table.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. Most of the classes are just a quick review on the last year and discussing what we'll be studying this year. I am only half paying attention already having an exit plan to sneak out through my secret passageway. After dinner, I make my way to the common room. I want to make sure people see me, and see me heading to my room. After I set up my bed to look like i've slept in it, and close the curtains around the bed, I disillusion myself and slowly make my way to the room of requirement. I want to pick up some potions before heading out. Thankfully Deek isn't in the room tonight and I don't have to explain my visit to him. I quickly gather what I need and disillusion myself again and make my way to the courtyard by the Greenhouses.

After many close calls with all the Prefects and some students in the halls, I make it past the courtyard and behind the greenhouses and come to a stop as I take the sight before me. Sebastian is sitting there hiding behind the greenhouses looking up at the sky. He is so close to the entrance of the passageway, I wonder if he knows it's there and he's planning to sneak out as well. I quickly decide to sneak past him. There's no need for me to involve him in the mission I'm taking on.

As I pass by him without making a sound or moving too quickly. I think i'm in the clear when,

"Iris, you know I'm the one that taught you that spell right? Did you really think you could sneak past me?" He sounds so smug, and I can imagine the smirk on his face. I disillusion myself and move to stand. I wish I could keep the charm on, I can already feel the embarassment start to heat up my cheeks. 

"Where are you headed?"

"Nowhere." I say almost reflexively.

"Don't lie to me, Navarro." He sounds teasing but there's a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm not, just decided to go for a stroll, see the highlands again." I try to sound light, like I'm not lying.


I interrupt him knowing the longer I stay out here discussing this with him the more likely I won't be able to find the camp tonight. I start try to make my way past him and hoping he'll let me go before I have to slip into the passageway. "I'll see you later, promise. I'm not doing anything dangerous, prom-"

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