Happy Birthday

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The next few days pass in a blur as I go to all my classes and get all my assignments done. I hardly notice what day it is when I wake up late and try to rush to breakfast. I shouldn't have stayed up writing that potions assignment but last night the answer came to me and I didn't want to lose the connections I had made in my mind while I was showering.

I hope I make it to breakfast as I change into some comfortable clothes. I'm very thankful it's the weekend and I didn't miss a class. I grab my bag just in case like I always do.

I get to the Great Hall and find Sebastian and Ominis sitting with Poppy and Natty at the Ravenclaw table. They all turn to me and give me waves and smiles. I walk to sit next to them confused at their display. When I sit down I suddenly get why they're all sitting here and why they waved so excitedly. In front of me is a chocolate croissant with a candle on it. It's my birthday. It's my birthday and I forgot.

"You had forgotten huh?" Sebastian says with a teasing voice.

I know a lot of Ravenclaws are organized. And I am too, to an extent but when I get focused on an assignment or something I'm passionate about I lose all sense of time.

"Yes?? But I haven't had my coffee this morning."

"Right here, just how you like it. I put a warming charm on it so it should still be hot." Sebastian says.

I take a cautious sip and it is exactly how I like it. Which is surprising considering Sebastian doesn't really drink coffee.

Natty then starts singing Happy Birthday to me and everyone joins in, with Poppy wrapping her arms around me to stop me from hiding my face. And the whole time I'm smiling at my friends' efforts. I'll have to add this to my list.

When I finish breakfast, Ominis asks me

"Are you ready to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Yes, let's go!"

I walk with Sebastian, while Natty, Poppy and Ominis walk behind us. The whole walk to Hogsmeade we catch up on our favorite class yet and how excited everyone is that quidditch seems to be back this year.

"Who will you be rooting for Iris?" Asks Natty

I know that Gryffindor and Slytherin have a huge rivalry in quidditch with both teams claiming to have the best players this year. But I do only know Imelda on the Slytherin team, and I know she's a great flier.

"Ravenclaw, of course, she'll probably try out for the team." Poppy says, then adds. "I'll probably root for you if you join the team."

"Oh no, I like flying but I couldn't join the team. I know nothing about quidditch. But I'll definitely be rooting for Imelda."

Ominis and Sebastian give a triumphant smile knowing I'll be rooting for their house.

Right then we walk through the entrance of Hogsmeade. This weekend there's a few traveling vendors. I spot one that makes small pendant charms from a substance that preserves whatever is put inside. I drag my friends to her stand.

"Could you put a feather in one of those?"

"Of course! What feather do you want me to place inside?" the vendor asks as she readies a tray.

I dig through my bag and find the vials with the small phoenix feathers in it. One is labeled with a number 1 and the other a number 2.

"Can you make two, please? And number one can you package it in blue paper? And I'll take some ribbons for both of them."

"Of course! What pretty feathers where did you find them?"

"Oh just on the ground wandering one day." I lie easily. I know phoenix feathers and phoenix's in general are valuable and I don't want people to know I have one. My friends easily also believe the lie. Except maybe Poppy and Sebastian. Poppy knows the work we did against the poachers, and likely thinks I got it off a creature I freed from them. Sebastian I think just knows better, especially after our trip to the forest.

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