Secret Rooms

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"OooOoohh private" he says in a sing-songy way and wiggles his eyebrows at me and grabs our bags.

"Oh be quiet or I won't take you." I say faking a stern tone but failing due to my smile, I hope I'm not blushing at the implication. 

"Is it another secret passageway? Or the secret place you run off to when no one can find you?" His eyebrow raised. 

"Everyone's noticed?!" I'm surprised anyone's even noticed I'm not in the library when I claim to be.

He laughs, "No, I'm the only one that doesn't think you've been in the library when you disappear. Mostly because I've gone to look for you there." He rubs the back of his neck like he's embarrassed he's been caught looking for me.

"Yes, I'll be showing you my secret hiding place, but only if you promise to keep it a secret from everyone, even Ominis."

"Not a soul Iris." He says as places his palm over his heart. Somehow I believe him, I believe that for me he'd keep this from everyone, even Ominis, just because I asked.

"Hurry, it's quite a long walk." I grab his wrist and pull him to the door of the Undercroft.

We exit the Undercroft, careful to not reveal its location to anyone who might be passing by. He moves to take his wrist out of my hand to my disappointment. But then he places his hand in mine instead.

I realize how often we're doing this now, grabbing each other's hand as we lead the other somewhere. I hope it never stops.

We start our climb upwards towards the Astronomy tower. When get to the small staircase that leads up towards the tower, Sebastian says, "You better not be making me climb all these stairs for it to just be a large broom closet, Navarro."

I chuckle but don't confirm what it'll be. I want to surprise him and see his face the first time he sees my version of the Room of Requirement.

We get to the hall with the tapestry of the dancing Trolls, I start pacing in front of it with my version of the room in mind. Sebastian keeps looking like he'll say something but thinks better of it. Finally the door appears and Sebastian looks at me surprised

"I bet I could spend a lifetime in this castle and still not discover all of its secrets." His voice is full of wonder. He has no idea what's waiting for him on the other side of the door.

I open the door, "Tada!" I say as we walk through the door, then turn to see his expression as we clear the small entrance hallway.

He keeps walking inside with his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open. Turning in place to take the entire room in.

"What do you think?" I suddenly think maybe I should have cleaned up a bit. There's books all over the table, and on the sofa I have in the main room. Sebastian turns around and looks at me with the weirdest expression

"You made this didn't you?"


"You made this place didn't you? Ravenclaw blue, I can hear creatures behind those glass doors, the books, this place is just you, floor to ceiling." 

"I- Yes, well sort of, I did place the furniture and the colors. The vivariums the room provided when I needed a place to put the creatures I rescued. Deek and the room take care of them when I can't, but I mostly do all of it on my own." I don't know what to say to Sebastian knowing I created this place just by what it looks like. I've never shown anyone the room before because of how much of myself I've placed here. The decorations, the furniture, the walls, the colors, the creatures, the books all of it is too personal.

A Lesson in HealingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora