Reading In Kendra

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"I insist that you allow me to speak to the headmaster at once!"

"I'm very sorry Professor Umbridge," said a rather flustered Hagrid, "but Professor Dumbledore left strict orders tha' he is not ter be disturbed."

Hagrid's hulking mass stood anchored in the corridor, blocking access to the large gargoyle statue that guarded the entrance to the headmaster's office. He had been given his orders and no one, not even this stout little witch from the Ministry who scared him to death, would disturb Professor Dumbledore unless invited by Dumbledore himself. This, however, did not deter Dolores Umbridge, who did not take kindly to half-breeds and creatures of near-human intelligence standing in her way, or even existing for that matter.

"I feel compelled to remind you that I am the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic," she said with a calm voice, though noticeably agitated, "as well as the Hogwarts High Inquisitor, in accordance with Educational Decree number twenty-three. Either position gives me access to the Hogwarts headmaster at any time and place of my choosing."

Hagrid was starting to sweat now. To his great relief, he saw Professor Sprout enter the hallway and was approaching them with Kendra Nott close at her side.

"Thank heavens," Hagrid quietly said out loud as he removed a red handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it across his brow.

"Miss Kendra Nott to see Professor Dumbledore," Professor Sprout said when the two of them had arrived and stood before Hagrid.

"Right away Professor Sprout," said Hagrid as he re-pocketed the handkerchief. Professor Umbridge's face turned a light shade of red.

"Is there a problem, Professor Umbridge asked.

Umbridge, now delighted to find someone of adequate intelligence to rant at, continued her tirade of complaints and demands with Professor Sprout while Hagrid quietly conducted Kendra to the Gargoyle statue, which glared down at her with menacing eyes. Kendra did not like this particular statue in the least and was certain that the feeling was quite mutual. Perhaps it was because every time she had found herself face to face with the hideous gargoyle, or griffin, or whatever it might be, it was while waiting to see the headmaster due to some kind of trouble she had caused.

Hagrid leaned into the statue and whispered, "Ginger Newt."

The statue immediately moved aside, revealing a spiral stone staircase behind it that moved slowly upwards by itself like an escalator.

"Hurry along now, Miss Nott. Professor Dumbledore is expect'n yeh."

Kendra stepped onto the rising steps and began to ascend as the stone gargoyle slid back into place. She could still hear Professor Umbridge carrying on below, apparently unaware that Kendra had just slipped by. She felt very sorry for Hagrid and Professor Sprout.

I hope someone finishes the job of turning that woman into a toad someday, she thought, without the least bit of guilt.

Professor Sprout had spent the entire morning with Kendra, counseling and comforting her over the loss of her friend. Visions of Elise's death still haunted her, and her eyes were red from spending much of the morning weeping.

They discussed Professor Snape as well, who still lay unconscious in the hospital wing following Kendra's clever feat with the Mandrake root. Her fierce anger against him had diminished somewhat after Professor Sprout had attempted to explain some of the circumstances behind his actions—at least as far as she was aware of them. Sprout also promised that Professor Dumbledore would explain everything to her when they met.

At the top of the staircase, Kendra rapped on the polished oak door, and it opened immediately by itself. Before she could enter the room, Dumbledore stepped outside the door and greeted her with a warm smile and a handshake.

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