Chapter 20 I know your Dirty Secret

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𝐼 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡

*In editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

"What the..." You shakily said this was extremely weird. The first entry of the journal was a photo of you. Throughout your whole time in the village,

In one of the pictures, you were lying in the snow. Another was when that Lycan tried to attack you! Then there was another where you were lying on the couch. You felt sick to your stomach. You turned the page but just decided to skip a couple.

You stopped the day you first tried to escape. 2/21/21. Your clammy hands grasped the page.

"Every day is something new, right? Of course, I'm right! Not just right; pissed off. How could she leave me? I've done nothing but be generous!" You paused, generous? What has he done that is generous? You took a deep breath and continued reading.

"The way I feel about her is something I can't explain. something I don't even know myself; she's got these eyes. Those evil eyes—I did make a mistake. I couldn't control myself; I can never control myself around her. I kissed her, and she tried to get away from me. which hurt a lot." Your mouth was agape in shock. What the absolute fuck?

Then scribbled at the bottom of the page was, "I'll make her love me someday." You placed your hand on your forehead. You flipped the page once more. It seemed he wrote in this journal daily. You flipped to the last entry, curious as to what the date was.

It read 2/24/22. You gulped, flipping back to the beginning.

"I was walking through the village; it was a cold night. I was grabbing some pipes I had found in an old home awhile back. But I saw this beautiful girl. I didn't know who she was. Because I might run into her again, I took a picture of her. The day was February 9, 22.

You calculated that 24-9 is...

"15..." You felt weak, numb, and destroyed. In other words, you'd been here for 2 weeks. Or, in other words, you'd been here for half a month. You clenched your fists.

I hate him! You shoved the book back under your pillow. Your blood boiled with rage. You had to get out of here. You just had to! You heard Heisenberg rushing up the stairs, and you quickly got up. But it was too late; the door slammed open.

Your eyes jolted to an angry-looking Heisenberg, and you gulped. "Where is it?" He stated, and you were about to ask what he meant. But before you could speak, he started flipping your room upside down.

Your bedside table and water went flying across the room, and he chucked your books across the room. You ran to Heisenberg, trying to push him out of your room.

He threw you to the side, and your body hit the wall. Heisenberg threw your bed off the bed frame. Tears fell from your cheeks.

Heisenberg noticed the journal. He picked it up, glaring at you. "I'm not done with you." He wanted to yell but held back. He gripped the journal and stormed out of the room.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked at the room that was once yours; everything was a disaster.

Books were everywhere, your table flipped, water spilled, and your bed was across the room. You rose from the ground, and you made your way across the room.

You grabbed a towel from the bathroom and started to clean up the mess Heisenberg had made. When you first started cleaning up the water that was all over the floor, you couldn't help but cry.

Tears slipped from your eyes as gasps escaped your lips. You've never seen him so angry before.

You got up and started to organize the books back into their original order. Ethan was all that filled your mind; you missed him so much. After everything, you felt as if he was your everything, your savior. Heisenberg was my worst enemy. A nightmare, if you will.

You finished organizing, then you dragged the mattress back to the bed frame. Sliding it back on Remaking your bed What was Heisenberg going to do with you?

You gulped at the thought—would he pound more nails into your knees? He was so unpredictable, it made you sick. Well, if he felt this way about you, he wouldn't hurt you, right? You could only hope.

You groan as you sit on your bed. The room was clean once again. Your eyes grew wide as an idea popped into your head. You hopped down to the floor and put your ear against the floor. Heisenberg only said your room was soundproof; maybe you could hear what he was saying.

But even though you really only heard incoherent words, he still sounded angry. You shrugged as you brought your body back onto the bed. You brought your knees up to your chest and hugged them. This would all blow over, right?

He would forgive you soon; I mean, he can't blame you! You had every right to know the truth, even if you felt guilty about it. He should've told you; therefore, you didn't have to snoop. Simple. You sighed. I wish I could have at least gotten a little more information. like why I was here, why they stole Rose, and maybe a little more about what happened after I put Rose to sleep.

All these questions have still received zero answers. You were curious. I mean, of course, that you were somehow abducted and left for dead. You were taken hostage by Lady D, after which you met Marvin and then he died. Then Heisenberg took you hostage. God, everyone loves you, don't they? You roll your eyes.

You lay down, staring at the ceiling. You glance at the metal-barred window. It was nighttime, and you smiled. If Heisenberg was going to hurt you, he'd do it tomorrow.

Then by tomorrow, he'll be calmer. You snapped your head around at the sound of footsteps. You quickly shut your eyes and flipped into a comfortable position. You heard the door open and footsteps.

"She's asleep?" Heisenberg lifted a strand of your hair from your face. He let out a huff, and then you heard him set something down. Heisenberg's footsteps were heard as the door shut. You opened your eyes to a dark room. You turned on your half-broken lamp. You saw a plate of food, a fork, and a glass of water.

You smiled. You haven't had food in a few days. You quickly grabbed the food and started stuffing it into your mouth. You glanced up to see a shadowed figure. It noticed it was spotted as you gulped your food. Heisenberg emerged from the darkness.

"Shit," you let out.

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