Chapter 8 Back At Square One

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𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑆𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑂𝑛𝑒

*In editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

The duke ignored your pleading as he threw you out of his room, saying, "Come tomorrow, and I'll let Alcina know everything!" You gulped and ran up the stairs. You slammed your door. You had to get out of here by tomorrow morning.

You suddenly realized that you had seen something strange in the kitchen. That might be your escape after all. Running from your bedroom, you quickly looked downstairs, but no one was there. You sprinted to the kitchen, passing through the foyer.

You were in search of that object; it was hidden, you remember that. But you were also in a hurry. You looked around the area where you last thought you saw it.

You caught sight of a small glowing object—it was a key! Before you could read the label, someone smashed through the doors. You quickly grabbed it. You pushed your hands behind your back when Cassandra made an appearance.

She glared at you as you gulped. She came closer and said, "Greetings." She said it in such a sinister tone. You nervously laughed, "Oh, I was actually just on my way to my bedroom!" You tried to sneak past her. She grabbed your arm and whipped you around.

She cackled as the key went flying, "Oh, you're just so stupid!" She lowered her grip to your wrist. You retreated in an effort to break free, but her hold on you remained firm.

"You wouldn't try to leave us, would you?" You screamed out as she turned your wrist in the opposite direction. "Darling?" You shook your head; you tried to form words, but nothing came about.

She threw you to the side, "You're sick!" You yelled at her while clutching your hand to your chest. You quickly picked up the key after noticing it was lying next to you. You quickly got to your feet and booked it after she simply approached you.

"Oh, a chase! A good chase is something I always enjoy!" She squealed as she ran after you. Your breathing became faster and more rapid. Turning the corner, you slipped, and laughter could be heard behind you.

Even though running up the stairs significantly slowed you down, you eventually arrived in your room. You quickly pushed your vanity up against the door after slamming it and running to it.

In an effort to get some air, you inhaled through your nose.

"I'll kill you if you don't open this door," she warned. You took a quick look at the key as Cassandra threatened while attempting to kick the door. I tricked you ;) was written on the label. Out of frustration, you threw the key away.

You took a quick look around your room; the door was still banging loudly. You gasped—the window! You quickly ran to the window, unlocking it. Then you retrieved all of your bedding from the bed.

You knotted and tied each end together until it made a long rope. Although this was a risky strategy, it was still preferable to doing nothing. You gave the banging door one last look.

"Now is the only time." You had a thought. You were having a lot of racing thoughts, such as: What if a knot came undone and you broke your legs? What if there was no way out once you reached the bottom?

You pinch yourself on your arm; do not panic right now! That's the worst thing you can do! You pulled as hard as you could on your bedframe.

You slowly brought it close to the window. You took hold of the rope and tied a double knot to the bed frame.

You approached the window after grabbing the rope. Your wrist started aching. You carefully lowered yourself from the window. The bedroom door was heard to slam open as you leaped down.

You quickly sucked in air as you descended even lower. It was about 10 feet down when you looked up and saw Cassandra peering down. Your eyes grew wider. You had to jump, or you were going to get seriously hurt.

You took a chance and let go of the rope. Fortunately, the fall did not cause any injuries to you, but you did hear Cassandra sneer. You looked around with no hesitation. Without looking back, you ran into the woods.

You ran until you reached a path, at which point you halted. You spun around in circles as you smiled and laughed to yourself. You were free! You tried to move your wrist, but it wouldn't budge no matter how hard you tried, and winced. as you lifted up your shirt and attempted to rip it with your teeth.

When you finally heard the rip, you grinned, grabbed a stick, placed it on your hand's backside, and then wrapped your wrist with it. You moaned as you strolled further along this path.

Perhaps you could locate a small house to stay in. This path looked unfamiliar, so you hoped it wasn't.

The sun began to set after a few hours of walking. Your wrist still in pain; there had to be a house somewhere. That's when you heard a low growl. "Shit," you mumbled.

A Lycan suddenly emerged from the woods, and you were left wondering where your gun had vanished. You then prepared yourself to run. You ran straight, keeping yourself on the path; you could hear the Lycan behind you.

You cried out, "Holy shit!" From the hours of walking previously, your legs were already exhausted. This couldn't stop you. You had just escaped Castle Dimitrescu.

You kept running; you felt the pressure on your side start to sting. That's when, all of a sudden, you found a little house. It wasn't in the best shape, but it would do.

You scavenged quickly through the tall grass as you made your way to the little house. You couldn't hear anything behind you anymore. Maybe you lost him? You didn't stop running until you got to the little house's door.

You slammed the door behind you, lowering the wood plank. You collapsed to the floor; the world was spinning as you turned over and gagged. You experienced nausea and felt as though you might vomit.

As your stomach churned and you puked, you inhaled deeply.

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