Chapter 11 House Beneviento

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𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜

*In editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You and Marvin walked silently as you observed the surroundings. It was so beautiful. Maybe you could tell Marvin about yourself. He did tell you about himself, after all. He had many chances, so if he was going to hurt you, he would have done it already.

"You remember how I blacked out earlier?" you asked Marvin as you turned to face him. He nodded, you looked forward. "I don't know what they are," You buried your hands in your pocket.

"What do you mean?" He questioned as he approached your side. As you looked Marvin in the eyes, you shrugged. "There... there like a flashback. Is it possible that I'm gradually regaining my memories through dreams?" You questioned yourself as you said that aloud.

You sounded crazy, and Mavin put his hand on your shoulder. "Could you be experiencing amnesia?" He tilted his head. You shrugged once more, wishing you knew what was going on.

"What have you been seeing in these blackouts?" Marvin asked you, was he trying to help?

"Well, it all began when I put my goddaughter to sleep, and then I heard a gunshot. The next one was of a man, and I couldn't see his face." Your eyes started to tear up as you remembered.

"Then I saw Rose..." Your voice cracked as tears rolled down your cheeks. "Whose Rose?" Marvin asked, and you smiled lightly to yourself as you wiped your tears.

"She's my goddaughter." His eyes got wide. "You're a grandma, but you're so young!" You laughed as Marvin stared at you with confusion.

"It's just that I would be her legal guardian if something happened to her parents, even though she is my best friend's daughter." He massaged his neck.

"Oh, that makes more sense." He giggled apprehensively as you both laughed. The conversation shifted to humorous stories, and you both took turns telling them.

"One time my sister and I were fishing at the local docks, and she got pulled in."

"One time Mia and I had a food fight against Ethan."

"One time my sister thought it would be funny to play hide and seek with the cows."

As both of your laughter filled the air, you both smiled. "I'm glad I met you, (Y/n)." Marvin slid his hand into yours. You felt your cheeks get a bit red. "Me too." You returned a smile.

When you arrived on this path, there were dolls and doll heads hanging from trees. It was absolutely terrifying. "We're close." You nodded

"Hey, Marvin?" He turned. "Yes?"

"Thanks for coming along." He smirked "Of course, that's what best friends are for." You gave him a confused look. You shook your head and smiled.

You looked up as you saw the big doors. You looked at Marvin, and he nodded. You both entered the house, you spun around as you looked around.

"It's beautiful!" You exclaimed. Marvin laughed. "Okay, so how about we split up?" You nod, "Sure, I'll take downstairs?" Marvin gives you a thumbs-up, you wave goodbye as you walk to a door.

You pushed the elevator's down button after opening the door. When you got downstairs, you noticed a doll. The fuck? You walked over to her. You felt your spine tingle as a result. It looked like Mia.

It had some odd joints, which you noticed; you took her apart the most you could. The lights flickered, but you ignored them. You got a silver key, a winding key, and a blood-covered ring. You took a moment to examine the other door.

It was locked when you tried to open it; perhaps the key will make it unlocked. You smiled as you walked in after using the key to unlock the door. You scanned the room and saw a table, a sink, a door, and a closet. You could wash the blood off of this ring. You washed off the blood.

You examined the ring. It had a code. You left this room and went to the previous room, where you entered the code on the padlocked door. You walked down the hallway and made your way into the first room, which had a music box.

You put the winding key in the music box. How in hell are you supposed to get this thing to work?

After awhile of fiddling with the music box, you got it to work. You smiled at yourself. "Amazing work (Y/n)."

The bottom drawer opened, and you grabbed the tweezers. You left the room and made your way back to the doll room.

When you finally reached the doll, you used the tweezers to open her mouth so you could remove the object. It was a film. Then, you exited the room and moved down the hallway.

You walked until you found another door. You walked inside. You groaned—another puzzle? What is this place?

You moved the movies around until the one that was being viewed had a flash. You were presented a well. Maybe you needed to find this well? The video abruptly began to flash in various shades of red.

The projector then dropped. A bookcase abruptly shifted to the side. You took a step back.

"Woah! Sweet!" You dashed over to the door quickly. You've only ever seen that in movies, but it was even better in real life!

It was entirely wooded when you walked in. You looked up, screamed, and fell. This place is fucking creepy; there were six dolls staring at you all at once.

The right doll's hand held the scissors, which you took. You remove the bandages that are obstructing the tiny crawl space. You wriggled through and then stood up. Another hallway? You took a heel turn to the left and continued to walk straight.

You walked until you found a door. You unlocked the door and walked in; it led you back into the second room you visited. You exited the room once more and continued down the hallway.

You found a phone, you picked it up, and you put it to your ear. Nothing was heard.

"Deadline." You whispered. This place wasn't too bad. You turned on your heel.

"I remember seeing these bandages on the doll." You spoke to yourself as you made your way back to the main room. You arrived and walked to the doll, cutting the bandages off.

You lifted the wooden breast. You got a brass medallion. The eyeball was moved, revealing a triangle with a crow inside. Another flicker of the lights made you feel even more uneasy.

You walked to the left of the room through this skinny hallway, and you arrived at this door. You put the brass medallion in the slot in the door. It unlocked

You made your way down the cave's dim path. You frequently looked behind you out of fear that someone was following you; the further you went, the eerier it became.

You saw the well in the film. After descending the latter, you found yourself in murky well water. You looked around and gagged. As you picked up the key you noticed it said "breaker box key."

Time to climb back up, now.

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