Chapter 9 Uh Oh

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*In editing*

Please be warned that this book has vulgar language read with caution!!

You woke up to a sour smell. When you opened your eyes, there was puke in your hair and all over the floor. Gross, you gagged. When you turned around, you saw a Lycan sifting through some outside trash.

You took a deep breath and slowly stood up. The Lycan was all you could think about; this wasn't good. You had nothing to defend yourself with. Your heart felt like it was in your throat as you slowly retreated.

You felt the stairs and made a slow ascent. being mindful not to create noise; if the Lycan realized you were there, it was all over. You finally got to the second floor. Scanning the area, there was no weapon. You'll have to wait it out.

Or maybe you didn't? A small storage space was visible in the wall. As you approached it, you took care not to make a sound. When you pulled on the door, it opened easily.

You clasped a hand over your mouth. There was a severed hand in there. You picked it up cautiously and walked to the opposite end of the room, setting it down.

You climbed into the little storage space; it was tight, but it would work until the Lycan was gone.

You heard rustling, walking, and growling. You lay down and closed your eyes, hoping when you woke up, it would be gone.

Despite your best efforts, you were unable to fall asleep as you turned and tossed. You sat up and listened to your surroundings.

You heard the floor creak from in front of you. Your eyes widened as you scooted all the way to the end of the wall.

Your breath hitched—someone was here. Footsteps were heard approaching; you had to protect yourself.

You scooted closer to the door as you got ready to attack. Whatever had opened the storage door in an instant was now on the ground.

"Shit," Your arm was hurting like hell. You glanced at the floor. There were more survivors—a man? Since the man had been knocked out, you quickly stood up.

"Hey, wake up!" When you gave the man a firm shake, you saw a gun in his pocket. You hesitated as your hand came closer.

The man wouldn't mind, right? You gripped the gun and backed away.

"He's probably dangerous." You cast a quick glance around in search of something to hold him together.

As you ran downstairs, you tucked the gun away in your pocket. You picked up a chair and rushed it back upstairs. You grabbed another and did the same.

You had to find some rope. You scavenged the drawers, and you only found a flashlight, which you happily took. That's when you noticed the little hatchet door.

You opened it, shining the flashlight in. It appeared to be a basement. You slowly lowered your body into the hole.

You dropped down swiftly and quietly. You shined your light around the dark, now somewhat lit area.

You didn't see any Lycans, so you figured it was safe. You started to search the shelves. You found tape and some gun ammo.

The tape wasn't going to keep him tied up for too long. It would be disastrous for you if this man were dangerous.

You continued to search every possible area, but you began to grow tired as you approached the last drawer. It had a lock on it.

"You fucking serious," You complained, something good must be in there. You grabbed the gun from your pocket.

You turned the safety on and took the gun by the top, smashing the handle into the lock. With two blows, it broke.

"Damn, I'm so smart!" you smirked as you grabbed it and yanked open the drawer.

"Fuck yes!" You saw medication and shoved it into your pocket. You didn't see any rope, and you frowned. You heard a sound, and you quickly turned and pointed the flashlight in that direction.

Fucking rat. You put your hand where your heart was.

You'll have to make the tape work. You walked back to the hatch. You used the wall to help you jump up and attach yourself to the ceiling.

You used your strength to pull yourself up. Once you got up, you turned off the light, shoving it in your only free pocket.

You ran back upstairs. You opened your storage door; you threw the flashlight and medication in there.

You walked over to the man, dragging him to the chair farthest from you. You struggled to pick the man up.
But you finally managed to get the man onto the chair.

As soon as you got hold of the tape, you began taping his arms behind the chair, his feet to the chair, his chest, his calves, and finally, everything else.

Due to the fact that you were about to run out of tape, you had to be certain he couldn't escape. You taped the man's mouth with the final strip.

You sat in the other chair, waiting for the man to wake up.

You jumped up and drew your gun when you heard a noise, and you looked at the man. Who was trying to escape the tape.

You pointed the gun at the man; he froze. You had to act tough, or this could've been you.

"I'm going to take the tape off your mouth,"

"But I don't want to hear a word unless it's an answer." He nodded as you walked over to him, ripping the tape off his mouth.

"Who are you?" You questioned; the man moved his mouth.

"I'm friendly, I promise!" You raised the gun, pointing it at his temple.

"I didn't ask that," The man nodded shakily

"M...M-My name is Marvin... Marvin Fischer." You nodded. His messy red hair was all over his face.

"What are you doing here?" You lowered your gun because you didn't want to scare the man too badly.

"Probably for the same reason you are." He paused, "I was looking for a place to sleep." He spoke while staring at you.

"Who are you?"

"I ask the questions here, not you." You started to move in front of and behind the man. Keeping up the pattern.

"Please, let me go! I promise I'll help you with whatever you need!" Marvin started to plead; maybe you could use him to your advantage.

But you couldn't trust him 100% yet.

"Give me a second." You went downstairs. It was already sunset. You walked back up the stairs; the man's eyes wouldn't leave yours.

"Come tomorrow morning; you're going to help me." The man nodded his head violently. You took one more glance at him before lying down.

"Goodnight... I guess."

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