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Sergeant Major...Florence Abernathy


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"At ease, boys." 

Abby smiled politely at the soldiers in front of her, directing them to relax. She picked up a bunch of papers from the desk at the front, not bothering to read them. 

"Right, you filthy lot," She began her back still to the group of her men, "I know that you're all used to seeing the serious side of me," She turned around to see a few of them smirking, "Keep smirking Callaghan and you won't be going home next week." 

The rest of them started laughing too. "Woah woah woah, is that a threat, Serg? You all heard that, she just threatened to kill me!" 

"Yeah and trust me, I will do it and make it look like an accident." Of course, none of them knew quite how true that was. Like true soldiers, they all quietened as she started speaking again, "Right, as I was saying, you lovely lot only have a week left of this tour and then you are free to do whatever," She looked at Captain Woodbridge who had just entered the back of the tent, "or whoever, you like."

"Serg, is it true you've done two tours back-to-back?"

Abby tried to hide the shocked expression on her face, had it really been a year already? She looked back to the men sat on the benches in front of her as she tried her hardest to stay professional and stern.

"Uh, yes I have."

"Are you getting a break then, Serg? Are you going home now?" One of the other private's asked.

She faltered, the memories of the past year suddenly hitting her. Over the past year she had done her best to block everything out, anytime she thought of Spencer, she made sure to keep herself busy. She hadn't given herself time to process it yet alone acknowledge and feel it.

"Yes and no. I'm joining Captain Woodbridge at Pirbright to help train the next lot of you; god help us." She said, barely faltering; as she said, she'd had plenty of practise.

"Aw you coming back with us to Blighty, Serg!"

"Going back to your boyfriend, Serg? Or girlfriend?" One of the others hit Callaghan round the head, "What the fuck was that for man?! Just 'cause I'm being diverse, nah, that's homophobic! I wouldn't have that, Serg."

"Man you're on thin ice, Callaghan." 

"Okay, lads, I think Sergeant Abernathy has had quite enough of you grilling her. Ma'am when you have a minute?" Captain Luke Woodbridge gestured for Abby to meet him in his tent when she had dismissed the men.

"Of course, Sir." She said gratefully, of course the air of graciousness wasn't noticeable to the other soldiers. She started filing through the papers that were still in her hands, "Right, uh - shut up!" She shouted, "Thank you. You're supposed to be the best the British Army has to offer for fucks sake, we've outgrown high school boys. Supposedly."

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