the finale II

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the finale
part two


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spencer, for what felt like the first time in his life, was utterly speechless. 

"You were in the Army?"

"Jesus. I don't think there's another way to say it. Y E S." 

"And it was all just a long game? To get to Hall?"

Spencer jumped at the unexpected contact to his face. "Don't you dare say his name!"

Spencer hadn't had many interactions with terrorists, as far as he could remember, apart from Hall, the only other was a case he had worked on long, long ago when Gideon was still on the team, and Emily had just joined. But he did have ten years experience with unsubs and psychopaths and the look on his face was one that Spencer had seen far too many times; acceptance. And with acceptance, came an ending; one that Spencer didn't like his chances of it being a happy one.

He was scared. Truly terrified. And he was running out of options. He could do no more than wait for the team, he knew they'd find him, but he feared it was going to be too late. The rumblings of movement outside of wherever he was just confirmed that. 

He had been here before, in this situation. Abby. He didn't get to say goodbye, he was damned if that was going to happen again. 

"Look." Spencer's voice unwillingly caught in his throat. "I know how this goes, I know what happens now."

"Do you?"

Spencer nodded, squeezing his eyes shut as the sounds outside started to grow louder. When he opened his eyes he was met with the barrel of a gun. He debated trying to talk him down, but he knew that wouldn't work. This man wasn't an unsub, he was a soldier, and he was a terrorist who was more desensitized to killing and death than Spencer was. There was no point.

"This is - this is pointless, but could you do something for me? Please."

"Sorry, are you thinking I'm going to ask you if you've got any last words?" Spencer could've sworn he heard him laugh. 

"No." He whispered. He shook his head sadly. But he was going to say them anyway. The noises from outside were starting to become somewhat comprehensible, voices and shouts were becoming clearer but the gun pointing at his head was just a bit too distracting. 

Spencer took what he knew would be his last breath. "When you see her again, could you tell Abby that I love her and I'm sorry -"

There was a deafening bang and a hazy cloud of smoke blurred Spencer's vision as he was sent flying back. 

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