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(Donovan's Pov)

Coming to a stop from dancing I head over to the speaker and turn off the music getting my members attention. "Alright good job during practice guys! We're done for the day." All four of my group mates let out breaths of relief Jay and Harry the older members dramatically falling to the floor. I roll my eyes at their childishness actions as their mates Ben and Cameron laugh. "Oh come on practice was not that bad." Just as they go to say something the door opens to reveal our manager a beta named Mallory. "Hey boys. I'm glad your done with practice because I have some big news." We all give her curious looks. "What kind of news?" She looks at me and smiles. "Well your going to be on a talk show! Jimmy Kimmel to be specific." The other boys eyes widen and they all cheer I immediately a little wary. "Performance or interview?" She gives me a reassuring look. "Interview so you guys can talk about your new album coming up." I slowly nod and Cameron who's our youngest asks excitedly. "Who else is going to be there?" Her eyes shine before she says cheerfully. "Well seventeen is going to be there to perform." The others gasp I even a little surprised because I'm a huge fan. Soon all four of the boys start getting excited and I clear my throat going into leader mode. "Alright guys calm down we don't even know if we'll actually meet them." They all pout and Jay even gives me a "boo party pooper!" I give him a stern look and he immediately curls in on himself a little. "Sorry." I shake my head and look back at Mallory. "Thanks for letting us know about the show." She nods smiling wishing us a goodbye before leaving the room and I turn to my members. "Alright guys let's go home we're done for the day." They all cheer the younger members Cameron and Ben racing each other while Jay and Harry look over their omegas a little protectively. I fall behind them locking the practice room up and grab my duffel bag before heading to our dorm watching with amusement and slight jealousy as Cameron celebrates his winning the race Jay trying to get him to calm down a little while Harry and Ben stand off to the side cuddling Harry's face nuzzled against the young omegas neck. As I open the door Cameron and Jay rush in and go to head straight for the shower I calling after them sternly. "Keep it under thirty minutes and make sure you don't get to frisky or I'll turn the water off even if your clean or not." They both call out a playful "yes sir!" I roll my eyes and run a hand through my dark red hair with a sigh and plop down on the couch as Harry and Ben tell me they'll be in their room until dinner time. I lean back against the couch and pull my phone out scrolling social media. I'm the only one in our group who doesn't have a mate and honestly it gets to me a lot. It's also hard being the leader of a group as well as being an omega because usually omegas are seen as stereotypical submissive and emotional messes that need an alpha. Which Cameron and Ben are the submissive type that like to be coddled and reassured by their alpha but they're also extremely strong dancers and performers. Me though I don't want to be the type of omega who always submits to their alpha. I'm not afraid to kick some ass and put alphas in their place if need be and I enjoy being a strong leader for my group. Snapping out of my thoughts when I hear someone call my name I turn my head and see a freshly showered Harry and Ben. "It's your turn Donovan." I nod thanking him then go to grab some clothes before walking into the bathroom. I quickly hop into the shower using the scentless shampoo and soap I have before getting out of the shower. I then open the bathroom cabinet and grab my scent blockers and suppressants immediately frowning when there isn't much salve in the tube and I only have a few pills left. Sighing I throw the tube away since there isn't even enough to dull my scent and I take three suppressants with some water. I pull on my clothes and leave the bathroom heading to the kitchen where Ben's cooking. "Hey Ben remind me to call one of the doctors and refill my prescription for my scent blockers and suppressants please." He turns to look at me with a frown. "You really need to stop being so dependent on the blockers and suppressants. What happens when you finally find your mate and they might not be able to smell you?" I pull a water from the fridge before saying flatly. "I believe if that happens then fate will come into play and they can get to know me based on my personality not just my scent." He frowns slightly giving me a confused look. "So you don't believe in mates?" I shrug. "I do I just believe that a bond other than scent is possible." He slowly nods and I grab an apple from the fruit basket before heading to my room. "I don't feel like eating tonight I'll just go work on some music in my room." Before he can protest I'm already shutting the door to my room and lock it before sitting at my desk and dig my journal out to write down lyrics.

Cheers (a Choi Seungcheol x male reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora