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It's the day of our appearance on Jimmy Kimmel and we're behind the scenes getting our makeup and everything done. Once I'm done I head to find my members who ran off to "explore" I a little annoyed at how unprofessional they're acting. Grumbling as I walk around behind stage I finally hear Cameron's giggling and rush towards it finding him and Ben. "There you two are. Where's Harry and Jay?" They look at each other before saying in unison "snack table." I immediately groan telling them to stay put then head to find the snack table where I see the two alphas scarfing down different foods. Letting out a huff of annoyance I step forward grabbing them both by their ears before dragging them away and head back to where Ben and Cameron are waiting. I let them go and give all four of them a stern look. "We are guests here and you need to act like it and be more respectful!" Suddenly I smell an intoxicating scent close by making me freeze my inner wolf screaming the word mate. Swallowing I take a deep breath before shoving my instincts deep down seeing all of my members give me looks of concern Ben stepping closer. "Are you alright? Your eyes went blue for a second." I give a little nod of reassurance. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's go we should be on soon." They nod and I lead them back in the direction of makeup when I catch the scent again it even stronger than before and I recognizing it as a strong scent of vanilla. Freezing in place I bite my lip and try and take deep breathes I suddenly hearing gasps when the strong scent of cherries fills the air signaling my heat. Immediately feeling horrified I run to my carry on bag digging through it frantically before grabbing a tube and some pills then run towards the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom I stare at my blue eyes then shakily squeeze out some of the salve and rub it heavily on my scent gland before taking deep breaths. Soon Cameron and Ben rush into the bathroom looking at me in concern I gripping tightly onto the sink. "Whoa Donovan are you okay?" I give them both a look internally freaking out but keep my emotions masked. "I'm fine." I then try and put more of the blockers on my scent gland then wash my hands and take five suppressant pills immediately feeling a little relieved when the scent of heat finally dulls. "Isn't it dangerous to take that much suppressants?" I give them both a look. "I just have to get through this interview." They give each other a look as I straighten up and usher them out of the bathroom when I hear our band name being called. I walk over to the beta woman looking for us and give a polite smile. "That's us." She nods and informs us we're next I thanking her before shifting uncomfortably starting to feel a little hot and nauseous. Swallowing I look at Harry who I'm a little closer to. "Be honest how bad is the smell?" He gives me a small smile. "It's tolerable right now. Do you need me to scent you to mask the scent?" I look over at Ben for permission he giving a nod and I look back at Harry. "Please." He nods and I expose my neck he nuzzling my cheek and down my neck where the dried scent blockers are starting to irritate and burn my neck. After a moment he pulls away and I sniff myself a little bit relieved when I don't smell the intense scent of cherries anymore. Just as I'm about to thank him we're called onstage and I take a deep breath before putting on a smile then lead my group out onto the stage we taking a seat on the couch. I smile and answer all the questions given to me I also talking about our new album as well as our tour coming up. Smelling the strong scent of vanilla again it really close nearby I can feel slick starting to form and I see that the guest hosts nose twitches slightly I quickly bowing my head so my eyes aren't visible. Thank goodness it's finally time for commercial I letting out a breath and quickly get up rushing backstage when I accidentally knock into someone their hands reaching out to steady me and the scent of vanilla fills my senses. Before I can even try to stop it my scent of cherries bursts out into the air and I whimper as my heat hits me full force. Hearing a growl I look up only to be met with the red eyes of an alpha and the strong intense scent of vanilla my inner wolf immediately screaming the word mate and taking over I letting out a submissive whimper. Suddenly though I feel myself being yanked away from the attractive alpha making me squirm from the arms holding me and the alpha in front of me growls twelve boys holding him back. "Coups snap out of it!" We both squirm and fidget I vaguely hearing Harry yell out the words "get him out of here!" I go to protest when Harry steps in front of me I starting to feel a little sick and way to hot. "I... I don't feel good." Before I can say anything else everything immediately goes black.

Cheers (a Choi Seungcheol x male reader story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora