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(Donovan's Pov)

Slowly coming around my nose scrunches at the scent of vanilla I slowly opening my eyes blinking only to freeze slightly when I see the nice smelling alpha sitting at my bedside. He gives me a reassuring smile and says kindly in a thick accent. "How are you feeling?" Seeing that he struggles with English I answer him in Korean. "I feel like I've been run over by a truck and had my scent gland burned." He gives me a look of surprise. "You know Korean?" I nod. "My adopted brother is Korean and I was basically raised by him and his family since I was fourteen so I picked it up." He nods and I try to sit up only to groan at the aching in my muscles and body then cringe when a wave of slick comes from me the alpha immediately covering his nose. I let out a little sigh of frustration as I lay back in bed. "This is the most embarrassing scenario of meeting my mate ever." He gives me a slight sympathetic smile. "It's not that embarrassing. Your an omega so heat is a natural thing. You shouldn't try to hide it or your status." I give him a little frown. "How'd you find out?" He gives me a soft look. "Your friends explained to me about the blockers and suppressants. Why would you do that to yourself though?" I frown a little lowering my head mumbling softly. "Because it's hard to be an omega leader. Especially when your surrounded by all alpha leaders in your company that want to take advantage of you. So I kinda felt pressured to not be an omega and hide." He frowns before gently grabbing ahold of my hand. "You can still be a good leader and still be an omega. Still be yourself. You shouldn't hurt yourself because others disapprove." I stay quiet for a moment before changing the subject. "You know you still haven't introduced yourself." His face flushes in embarrassment and he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry. I'm Choi Seungcheol but you can call me S.Coups or Coups if you want." I smile a little in amusement. "I'm Donovan Lee nice to meet you." Suddenly a big cramp in my stomach hits making me double over with a pained groan a large gush of slick coming from me. Luckily the doctor comes in right at that moment giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sure your body is in a lot of pain since your heat was repressed for so long." I nod holding my stomach feeling extremely hot all over the doctor coming closer and tilts my head to look at my irritated scent gland. "We're slowly tapering you off of the suppressants so unfortunately your heat will get worse before it gets better. I'm recommending you have a heat partner or just someone to be with you incase you go through bad withdrawals." I immediately let out a pitiful groan. "How long is this going to last?" He hums thoughtfully. "Since your heats been repressed for so long I'd say a week and a half." My eyes bulge a little and I grimace the doctor giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm going to discharge you and give you instructions on how to slowly stop the suppressants. But I will only give them to whoever is helping you." I nod in understanding and the doctor excuses himself going to get the medicine. Sighing I lean back in the bed. "So what now? I share a dorm and don't have the privacy. I would have rented the cabin we usually use but I wasn't expecting this." Seungcheol looks like he's thinking for a moment before he speaks up. "I have a private hotel room that we can use. I'm sure Jeonghan won't mind leaving to room with someone else." I immediately feel bad frowning. "I don't want to be a problem and kick anybody out. I could just get one of my friends to help." A growl suddenly comes from him his eyes flashing red and he quickly covers his mouth we both startled from the shock of it. "Okay so I guess no getting outside help or your alpha will go feral." He gives me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry." I sigh a little in defeat. "It's fine I just don't want to kick anyone out and I know you guys have touring and everything and that this will delay it." He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hey it's fine. I just want to make sure your safe and okay first." I shift a little grumbling out a reluctant "okay." He smiles reaching out and runs his hand through my hair making me lean into him sighing from content. Suddenly the doctor comes back and hands over a prescription bottle to Seungcheol informing him how much to give me and when. Once I'm cleared we both exit the room being met with sixteen boys who give us worried looks. My members rush over to me and give me hugs asking if I'm okay I reassuring them that I'm fine. Seungcheol goes over to Jeonghan to ask him about the rooming situation and I turn fully to my members. "Apparently I'm going to be in heat for a week and a half so I'm going to be staying with Seungcheol because the doctor said I'll need someone for when my heat gets worse." They give understanding nods Ben and Cameron wishing me luck before I go back over to Seungcheol's side. He looks down at me with a reassuring smile. "Jeonghan says he'll get another room and I already had our manager put things on hold for now." Feeling guilty I give a little nod then wince when a stronger wave of heat hits my body. I see some of the other alphas cover their noses making me embarrassed. I then look up at Seungcheol and ask a little shyly. "Will you please scent me so I can make it to the hotel without killing everyone with my scent." He blushes but nods and gently brings me closer before nuzzling against my cheek and down my neck he placing a little kiss to the irritated scent gland making me shiver. Just as he buries his face in my neck I hear and feel him growl I realizing that he probably smells Harry from earlier. Letting out a little moan as Seungcheol nuzzles against my scent gland I gently push him back a little panting. "That's good for now." He nods his red eyes slowly going back to brown then leads me outside to one of the cars and holds my hand until we reach the hotel. Once we reach the hotel he picks me up and quickly rushes me to the room before I'm set down. Seungcheol heads to his suitcase and starts digging around before handing me some clothes I going to the bathroom to shower and change. Once I'm finished I walk out and head for the bed only for my knees to collapse Seungcheol quickly rushing forward and catching me. He then picks me up and places me in bed before saying gently. "Go ahead and sleep you'll need it." I nod and snuggle into the covers before slowly falling asleep.

Cheers (a Choi Seungcheol x male reader story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum