Fucked up lives

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I sit down on the mattress with my knees to my chest, blocking out the throwing and shattering sound that are coming from the other side of the door. I feel tears slipping, it's funny because I can't really remember when I wasn't crying. Behind these walls I just make up scenarios on how I wish my life could be. You know where the sun shines, where there's love, no bad, just happiness. I would love to see a world like that. But sometimes I feel that I'm not going to be alive when that happens.

~6 hours later~

Bang Bang Bang

I wake up from another restless nap. "Skylar.... it's me open up please." I get up slowly pull down my shirt that only reach a little under my butt. I open up the door to a Jack holding chick-fil-a. "I think you should eat, you haven't eaten in a long time. And I want to keep you healthy." He says walking in taking a seat on the bed. He give me my drink and chicken nuggets and he takes out his chicken burger and soda. I take a seat on the bed as well, but keeping my distance away from him. "I-I wanted to tell you sorry..... about earlier I just I don't know, I just blew up and I said somethings." he says looking down, but looked up at me a couple of times. "I'm sorry too, I never meant to say those things or make it look like i'm the only person who hurts in this world. I guess I was over reacting.

" I say taking a bit of my nugget.

"Ca-can I ask you something?" He says looking up at me really unsure.

"Ye-yeah." "What you told me earlier, was it true? You know the dad part." he asks which makes me stop and lose my appetite. "I-I yeah, I guess it just slipped out." I say messing with my fingers. "Why did it take your mom 3 years to kick him out?" "She didn't want to believe it, well she didn't believe me. That kinda hurts y'know to have your own father do that and your mother not even believing you. 3 years later my father confessed, my mom didn't take it that easy. She was a nice mother, but not when she was drunk, which was most of the times. She would still blame me." I took a pause letting a couple of tears fall out. "Even though he confessed, it still continued to be my fault for what he did to me." By now I don't know how, but I ended up in Jacks embrace, but I never wanted to let go no matter how much I wanted to. "How bout you? You had some fucked up things happen to you." I say pulling away, but still close to him. "Well there is one when I was 11 before my mom left. My mom and dad were going on there date that they always had every weekend. The babysitter we had for a while I guess almost a year that she's been our babysitter. Well I looked up to her like a sister. Well one date night, she came over and it was late at night my sisters were asleep and she came into my room, I don't know all of a sudden I felt you know her hands in my pants. That night she made me do thing I didn't want to do or that I was ready for." I see his eyes get glossy. "When I went into high school somehow someone found out and they told the whole school, everyone thought it was so cool to get jerked off by a 18 year old that was like a sister. I had to pretend that I liked what she did to me was great and awesome, but really it killed me inside. I never got to tell my parents and I really don't know what happened to her. She stopped babysitting when I didn't let her keep touching me or let her keep telling me to touch her." he say letting a tear fall out of his eyes and I wipe it away with my small thumbs. "She told me that it was okay. That it was going to make me feel good, then when I wouldn't do it she would throw that 'you're not a man' shit at me." He says and I bring him into my embrace as he cried out in my shoulder. "It was torture, how can people think getting touch by a girl is awesome, well I get it, but being just a kid not even knowing what the fuck a dick could do." he say. "I just I don't know, my life was fucked up I guess." He says looking at me in the eyes. "I guess we aren't so different." I say giving him a warm smile even though we both had tears in our eyes. "How can we get each other, but at the same time we want to kill each other." he says making me laugh. Wow feels good to laugh. "I don't know, but I like it when we are not yelling at each other." I say "Me to." "What time is it?" I ask "It's like 12am." He says looking at his phone. I yawn. "I think you should get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He says turning off the lights. "Wait Jack..... can you stay with me for the night, please." I say, at first Jack seems surprised, but he shakes it off. "Yeah sure." Jack says closing the door and sliding next me. I automatically wrap myself into his arms and resting my head on his chest, where I could feel his heart beat. And once again Jack is shock, but shakes it off and wraps his arms around me. My eyes were getting heavy and I'm letting sleep take over when I hear,

"What are you doing to me Skylar?"


Sorry I haven't updated I feel shitty, but things have been going on and I want to at least take a break. I know some of y'all might be waiting for my 'Till the end of time' update but that won't be till next week because I still have things to do. Anyways I hope you like my update :)

10 votes for next chapter.

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