Chapter Two: Wanted Poster

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Diagon Alley was where all Hogwarts students bought their supplies for school. It had also been the same place Oriane Morissette bought her items for her schooling at home. So when her and Esme arrived in the alley, it was a familiar sight.

Beautiful cobblestone lined the ground, creating the perfect walkway for the countless witches and wizards around them. Shops and restaurants lined the alley. Peering through the windows would reveal an assortment of items that differed from shop to shop. Brooms for Quidditch, some used, others new. Owls that sleepily perched for any passersby to see. An old wand shop that sported nothing but an old wand on a dusty, purple cushion.

"I've got the list of your school supplies here," Esme said. Her eyes scanned the list in her hands, though it was difficult to tell. Obnoxiously large sunglasses covered her eyes, obscuring their sky blue color. Her hair, which was normally worn down, was covered with a lavender headscarf. She looked out of place, even for a witch. "Everything should be pretty close to what we normally get. Though, we'll have to get you robes this year."

"Robes?" Oriane repeated. She had been so busy looking through all the shops she almost didn't hear her.

"Every student at Hogwarts wears a uniform," Esme explained, "and the base of that uniform is a plain black robe. They recommend three, but we'll get you four. Just in case."

Esme paused to look around. Even behind her glasses it was easy to tell she was squinting. It was an overcast day, with not much sunlight peeking through the clouds. Certainly the darkness of her glasses didn't help with her vision.

Oriane stifled a laugh. "You know, you don't have to go through so much trouble. I think I know this place well enough to get everything on my own."

"Certainly not." Esme had given up squinting through her sunglasses and instead quickly pulled them down. She read the sign above her before returning the sunglasses to her face: Flourish and Blotts. "Right. Well, I suppose we can start off with your school books, then."

Shopping for school that year took much longer than her first two years. Before, everything had been quick and simple. If the Ministry required something, then that's what they got. But everything had been complicated the moment Oriane was sent to Hogwarts. Should they buy an extra quill, just in case Oriane lost it? Was that trunk large enough to fit all her items for school in it?

The what if's were never ending. Esme seemed more anxious about Oriane going to Hogwarts than Oriane herself.

Six different stores later, Esme finally suggested that the two of them take a break. Shopping would have been physically exhausting if it weren't for Esme charming Oriane's trunk to float alongside them with all her supplies inside.

Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor was where the two finally decided to rest. Normally the parlor was their last stop on their visit to Diagon Alley, but Oriane wasn't about to complain about an opportunity to rest her feet.

The two sat outside, Oriane's school trunk floating beside their table. Though the season was dwindling slowly into autumn, the warmth of summer still lingered. Even the overcast sky did little to cool down the patrons at Diagon Alley. Needless to say, Oriane was very thankful for her ice cream (chocolate with a raspberry crunch) and she devoured it within a few minutes.

On the other hand, Esme absentmindedly ate her cone while her eyes scanned the list. She had done away with her sunglasses a bit before they started eating. They had proven to be more of a hassle than anything. She had nearly knocked over several (expensive) items in two shops, all because it was too dark for her to see.

"How's your ice cream?" Oriane asked, eyeing the cone. It had begun to melt, the vanilla flavor running down her hand in sticky streams.

"Oh," Esme jumped, almost as if she had forgotten, "it's great." She paused and took a moment to clean up her hand with a napkin. "Used to come here every year when I got my own school supplies as a kid. My dad loved the chocolate and cookie dough one."

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