Chapter Twenty-Seven: Blame

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Standing in front of Remus's office door was one of the hardest things Oriane found herself doing the day after she came face to face with Sirius Black. Her hand hovered over the wood of the door, with her bundle of wildflowers in the other, yet she couldn't bring herself to knock quite yet.

She could already hear his string of apologies in her head. How terribly sorry he was for causing her harm. So much had happened that night, too much. She wasn't sure she could handle it if Remus were to break down.

Eventually, she gained the courage to finally tap her knuckles against the door. Any shuffling from the other side of the door instantly ceased, and moments later Remus called out.

"Come in."

On the other side of the door stood a half empty office. Items were magically being packed away into suitcases and trunks. Books floated off shelves, old papers and assignments were filed away. Any decorations or models on display seemed to vanish into thin air. The once lively room started to look rather pale and boring. Another blank slate to be decorated anew the next year.

Then there was Remus in the midst of it all. With a wave of his wand, more items came flying off shelves to be packed away in cases. However, he began to slow down his movements after she entered the room.

"Must be a pain packing everything up only to put it out again next year," Oriane said. She wasn't brave enough to dive head first into the conversation she knew she came there for.

Remus looked more tired than ever yet he still gave her his usual smile. She doubted he got any sleep at all the previous night during his transformation, and with the dark circles under his eyes, she was certain he hadn't slept at all that morning either.

"Well, fortunately, or unfortunately, I won't have to lug this all back to Hogwarts next year," Remus joked with a slightly bitter laugh.

"What do you mean?" asked Oriane with her brows furrowed.

Remus paused for a moment, having busied himself by tossing some books into a case. His eyes fully met Oriane's for a short moment before slowly wandering down to her arm. Deep, silvery scars trailed from the top of her wrist to her elbow. They stood out like crazy against her milky skin. The type of scar that not even magic could get to fade.

"I resigned," he said simply.

Things were going alright that morning considering the events of the previous night. Everything was going perfectly fine until Remus said those words. Him, resigning?

"You can't be serious," Oriane breathed, stepping further into the office and shutting the door behind her. "Was it because of last night? I promise I'm fine. It was just a scratch and Madam Pomfrey healed me right up!"

"Just a scratch?" Remus repeated with a sour chuckle. "I visited you this morning. According to Madam Pomfrey, it was more than just a scratch. Blood loss alone would've killed you."

And what was she supposed to say to that? No matter how much she wanted to downplay the events of the previous night, he was right. She wasn't able to protect herself, and he wasn't able to save her.

"But that's not the reason I resigned. Or, not all of it," Remus continued. "Professor Snape er... accidentally let slip that I was a werewolf this morning at breakfast."

A rage instantly overtook Oriane the moment she heard the news. It was almost as strong as last night when she came face to face with Peter Pettigrew. The bouquet of flowers in her hand almost crushed underneath the pressure of her clenched fist.

"What? How could he?" she hissed.

Remus could only smile. "Him and I have never gotten along together, really. I guess the events of last night was the final straw for him. He was always convinced I was secretly helping Sirius Black, and once he got away last night, he must have assumed I had something to do with it. Letting my little secret slip was the only way to get rid of me for good and... well, he won this time."

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