Chapter Twenty-Three: Leave it Be

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Classes resumed a few days later and the castle lit up with a buzz in the air. For the first time in the last few weeks the students finally had something else to focus on other than finals; the quidditch cup. That year's bracket had finally knocked Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff out of the running, leaving the last two standing teams of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Not that Oriane really cared all that much. She worked all the way through the few weeks leading up to the final game, determined to make sure she had everything rehearsed and memorized for her upcoming exams. It was mid May, and come June her exams would begin. She had no time to waste.

And so on the day of the big game, instead of being out in the stands, cheering with other students, Oriane found herself in the library. It was probably the best time to go, as there wasn't a single other soul who dared to try and distract themselves that day. There was only her, and the endless row of books that surrounded her.

Hours went by, and soon Oriane had spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but study. Words began to blur together as she attempted to read her textbooks. Brainmatter turned to mush in a matter of hours. These upcoming final exams seemed even more daunting and ruthless than the previous semester had been.

"I thought I'd find you here," a voice interrupted.

Though, Oriane didn't see it as an interruption. It was more of a break. Some excuse to give her eyes some rest as she tore them away from her textbook only to turn and find Cedric. He stood next to her table, fingertips gliding across the seat in front of her as if asking to sit.

"Oh, yeah. I've just been studying," Oriane said casually.

"I figured," Cedric chuckled. He gently pulled out the seat and carefully sat across from her. As the days were growing warmer he seemed to grow more and more sunkissed. No doubt taking as many breaks outside as he could. "I feel like I hardly get to see you anymore with how much studying both of us are doing."

"How's that going for you by the way? I know the O.W.L's are supposed to be pretty daunting," Oriane asked.

She had long since given up on studying the moment Cedric had sat down. Her textbook had been closed and pushed off to the side, along with several rolls of parchment scribbled with chicken-scratch notes.

"As good as any sort of studying can go, I guess. I'm just ready for exam time to be over," he sighed. "What about you?"

She shrugged. "The same. Though my eyes and brain feel like they're melting."

"You probably could have used a break. The quidditch game would have been the perfect opportunity for that, you know," Cedric teased.

Oriane couldn't help but smile. Of course he, Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff prefect and quidditch captain, would say such a thing. And though she had to admit he made the games rather enjoyable, she wasn't quite sure she would have had the energy to put up with all of the antics a Slytherin vs Gryffindor game would bring.

"I know, I know. Just figured I'd study while I had the library to myself," she excused.

"Well, I guess that means now is the perfect time to take a break then. The grass and wildflowers have started growing out in that field. I don't know if you remember, but I pointed it out to you when we were last on the pitch. I planned on taking a walk down there if you wanted to join," Cedric offered.

She did remember, and she remembered it well (despite being quite terrified at the time). It had been nothing but a patch of dead grass the last time she saw it. Yet with the springtime rain and following warm weather, she was certain the view would be much more breathtaking than it was previously.

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