Chapter Twenty: Falling

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Things only became more and more weird after Sirius Black broke into Gryffindor tower. Distain began to grow even more between Calista and Emerald. They soured the mood so often Oriane hardly even talked during meal times with anyone in fear that one of them would turn it into some snarky comment.

They even caused her to miss the weekend in Hogsmeade. Emerald didn't want to go if Calista was going, and the feeling was rather mutual. All their arguing made Charlotte not want to go at all, leaving Oriane to attend on her own, which she ended up deciding against going at the last moment.

In fact, Oriane found herself doing things alone quite often. Meal times, studying, even working in class. The only thing she had to look forward to was Easter break, which would come next week.

Though, she was certain she would end up staying at Hogwarts alone, anyway.

"Did you hear?" a girl asked from behind Oriane. "That Hippogriff that attacked Draco Malfoy's set to be executed sometime soon."

Bubbles and fumes sputtered out of the dark cauldron in front of Oriane. Potions wasn't exactly a difficult class for her, yet it required all of her attention. The liquid inside was a deep turquoise color. Pretty, but not quite the color she was aiming for.

"Seriously?" another boy continued the conversation. "You're joking."

"I'm being serious. I heard Hagrid was crying about it not too long ago. Poor thing," the girl continued.

After a while of being on the heat, the potion erupted into a deep royal purple. The next item to be put into the potion were four rat spleens, which laid in a gross, purple heap next to her cauldron on the table. Refusing to touch them with her hands, Oriane opted to levitate them into the potion instead.

"I hate the Malfoy's," the boy claimed in a grumble. "It was obviously Draco's fault. Shame they have to kill the creature because of him."

Daisy roots were next. Always prepared, she had minced a good amount of them before even starting her potion. She added them carefully, taking care not to add too much at once. Eventually the color morphed into a dark green. She paused, setting the roots back down on the table.

"I agree, though I can't say I'm surprised. Draco milked his injury for ages, it's no surprise that creature was considered dangerous," the girl whispered.

The leech juice sat in a small vial. It was a disgusting red-purple color that smelled like blood when the stopper was pulled out. Unfortunately, it was also part of the next step in brewing. She hurriedly added five drops of the juice before tossing in her Shrivelfig shortly after. The potion was then a beautiful pink shade, one that wouldn't look half bad as a lipstick shade.

Though, she wasn't nearly stupid enough to try it.

"Nice to see there's just about as much due process here in the wizarding world as there is in the Muggle world," the boy said sarcastically.

The next, and final, ingredient was sliced caterpillar. Something she had prepared beforehand and also something she refused to touch with her hands. Once more she levitated the item into the cauldron and then she waited, watching the liquid carefully as it sat over the open flame below it.

"Surely one doesn't need to blabber so much when mixing potions," the dull voice of Professor Snape interrupted.

The two students behind Oriane were quick to shape up, silencing their gossip immediately following their apology. "Yes sir. Sorry, sir," they stuttered.

Once more silence fell over the class, interrupted by nothing but the bubbling of the potions around them. In the time it took Snape to chastise his students, Oriane's potion had turned a bright, acid green. She waited patiently as the professor walked around, grading everyone's potions.

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