Chapter Eighteen: The Firebolt

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One long week had passed since Oriane had seen that vision of the weird rat-man. And another long week of dealing with Calista and Emerald arguing. She was beginning to wonder if she should beg Charlotte to force them to reconcile. If anyone could, it would be her.

Yet Charlotte seemed to want nothing to do with their bickering. And so Oriane thought it best not to bug her about it.

When the second weekend after break rolled around, Oriane had hoped the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw would bring the girls together, but if anything it only seemed to divide them more. Charlotte hated quidditch, and made it clear she had no intentions of going as usual, so Calista and Emerald were the two she normally went with.

However, they each made it clear that they refused to go if the other was attending. In the end, they both decided to not go at all. Just another failed attempt at mending a friendship. And so, frustrated with her roommates arguing, Oriane attended breakfast by herself that morning.

The very moment she set foot in the Great Hall, she noticed something was different. A talkative buzz was in the air, more so than usual. Scanning the room, Oriane caught sight of a small crowd at the Gryffindor table. People from several houses stood around in a tiny huddle, peering at something. In that crowd she caught sight of Cedric, even. Curious as to what was causing all that commotion, she joined them.

In the center of attention was Harry Potter himself. Or, rather, his new broomstick. In his previous game against Hufflepuff, his broomstick had been smashed to bits after the dementors interfered with the game. That news had traveled rather fast all throughout the school. According to the students around her, Harry had gotten himself quite the replacement.

"Isn't it a beauty?" Cedric wondered out loud.

It took Oriane a moment to realize Cedric had actually been talking to her. She looked at the broom, not necessarily as impressed as everyone else around her was. "Much better than the heap of twigs he was left with after last game," she laughed.

"I can't wait to see it in action," Cedric admitted, eyes never leaving the broom. "Really, the best replacement you could have gotten, Harry."

The boy gave him a cheeky grin.

"Sure you can manage that broom, Potter?" a terrible, grating voice questioned from within the crowd.

Oraine's eyes quickly caught sight of Draco. Unlike everyone else around him, he didn't seem the least bit impressed with the new toy Harry had gotten for Christmas. But she knew instantly that the boy was more jealous than anything else.

"Yeah, reckon so," Harry said, as if he were bored.

"It's got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" Draco asked, eyes now landing on Harry. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute. Just in case you get too close to a dementor."

Harry leaned forward, beginning to place food on his plate, completely unbothered. "Pity you can't attach an extra arm on yours," he said casually. "Then it could catch the Snitch for you."

Many of the students around them laughed, and Draco opened his mouth as if to respond. However, his narrowing eyes were quick to catch sight of both Cedric and Percy Weasley, the Head Boy. Aware of the authority figures around him, he decided to cut his losses and return to the Slytherin table.

"Bit early in the morning for theatrics, isn't it?" Oriane sighed, tired of the drama that seemed to follow her everywhere.

"Don't get your hopes up," Cedric chuckled. "It's game day. I'm sure it'll only get worse."

She nodded in agreement as they turned away, letting the Gryffindor students eat their breakfast in peace. "I suppose you're right."

"Are you coming to the game?" he asked as they sat next to one another.

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