Chapter Eight: Hidden in the Wardrobe

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"I can't believe it's actually true. I thought it was something else Malfoy was making up," Charlotte voiced. "Can't believe that git actually got attacked by a hippogriff."

The four roommates were huddled close together at their table, eating lunch as they observed Draco at the Slytherin table. His arm sat limply in a sling. Other students sat around him, gawking at his injury as he feigned a struggle while trying to eat. Everyone had heard about the incident well before he had finally returned on that Thursday. The rabid hippogriff, Buckbeak, savagely attacked poor Malfoy, nearly ripping his arm off.

Or, that's what he claimed, anyway. Anyone with a brain could figure out that he wasn't even a fraction as injured as he claimed to be. Yet there was talk about Hagrid, the professor for Care of Magical Creatures, being reprimanded, and even worse, the hippogriff itself being put to death.

"He deserves it, that annoying prat," Emerald muttered.

"Do you really think they'll punish Hagrid for this?" Oriane wondered. She found it difficult to eat anything off of her plate. That man had been nothing but kind to her and every other student she saw interact with him. She had also personally enjoyed the lesson on hippogriffs, and after learning about them, she knew that Draco was the sole reason the creature would have gotten upset.

Charlotte shook her head as she tore her eyes away from Draco. She leaned forward, amber eyes focused on something in the distance. "Doubt it," she admitted bluntly. "Professor Dumbledore will find a way to prove his innocence. As for Buckbeak, however..." She trailed off, her words dissipating into the air.

An unfamiliar frustration settled on Calista's face. It looked unnatural for her to wear anything other than a goofy smile or smirk, yet the look vanished as quickly as it came. "I'll ask Fred and George to pay him back," she said simply, continuing with her food.

"I'm sure that will comfort Buckbeak greatly," Charlotte said sarcastically.

A sour silence fell over the girls. What had been a cheeky conversation about gossip had quickly turned into much worse. The thought of Buckbeak being executed for something that clearly wasn't his fault sent Oriane's stomach turning. How terrible it was, watching the innocent suffer at the cost of the aristocrats.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Emerald finally spoke up, breaking the silence, "I'm finding that I'm enjoying the class more this year than previously."

"Really?" Calista asked. "No, of course you would. We're actually learning something this year. I find it rather annoying."

"What's annoying? The subject, or the fact that Lupin actually makes you do something for once?" Emerald raised a brow.


Since classes began, Oriane found herself very rarely seeing Remus at all. Of course she saw him on the Hogwarts Express, and at the start of term feast. However, besides meal times, she had only seen him once, which was on Tuesday during her first lesson with him. Remus had made it seem like she was going to be seeing much more of him than she actually did. Both her schooling and his work was a lot more demanding than she previously realized.

She told herself she would attempt to talk to him that day after class was over.

"Speaking of that class, we ought to leave now if we want to get there on time," Emerald announced.

"Wait!" Calista urged, hurriedly standing from her seat. "I have to pee!"

Emerald rolled her eyes as she tapped her fingers on the table. "Why do you think I'm saying it now? Hurry up and go before you actually make us late."

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