Chapter Four: A Cold Visitor

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The Hogwarts Express was just about as crowded inside as it had been on the platform. Several compartments fit into the cart, and all of them were packed full like fish in a can. Oriane walked down the hallway, peering into the compartments through the window on the door. Students of all ages filled the room. Many of them were laughing as they caught up with their schoolmates and friends.

Oriane couldn't help but feel as if she had intruded by just looking in the rooms. Most students didn't even notice her gaze. Others were painfully aware of it, and returned her gaze with a foul look. As if telling her to not even bother entering their compartment.

And so she meandered, panting slightly as she searched for room. Right as she began to lose hope, she came across an empty compartment. Well, mostly empty. A lone man sat in one of the seats closest to the window. He looked rather exhausted, as he was slumped over, sleeping.

She was quick to catch on that this was Remus and a wave of relief spread through her body. His mended robes and dusty brown hair was unmistakable. Deciding that was the compartment for her, she opened the door and started to make herself at home. With a little grunting, she threw her trunk on the luggage rack above the seats, and then sat down across from Remus. A part of her had hoped that the shuffling would wake him up. She was excited to be able to spend more time with him, yet she didn't want to bother him.

They were alone for only a short moment before the compartment door opened once more. Oriane turned her head to greet the newcomers. It was three people, two boys and a girl. A girl with big, bushy brown hair, a boy with fiery red hair, and a boy who looked eerily similar to one of the photographs on Oriane's mantle.

"Can we sit with you?" the girl spoke up.

"No other compartments are open," the redhead added.

A smile crossed Oriane's face, and she scooted closer to the window to make room. Not that she really needed to. "Of course."

The three instantly began to sort their trunks on the luggage rack before taking their own seats. Once they were sat, things fell silent for a moment. They kept glancing back and forth between her and Remus, but mostly Remus. He was obviously much older than the kids, and they were quick to catch on.

"Who do you reckon he is?" the redhead asked, nodding to Remus.

"Remus Lupin," Oriane was quick to answer. "He's the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"How'd you know that?" he responded in a whisper.

The girl next to Oriane sighed a bit, nearly rolling her eyes. "His name's on his luggage," she said, pointing to the trunk above his head. Oriane was surprised to see that she was right. On his battered case was his full name in black, peeling letters. "And there's only one vacancy for teaching, isn't there?"

"Well, I hope he's up for it," Ron sighed, side-eying the man. "He looks like a good hex would finish him off, doesn't he?"

Silence once more fell over the compartment. Even though the trio were the ones to join her, Oriane couldn't help but feel as if she was intruding. She was thinking about trying to find another compartment before the boy next to the redhead spoke.

"I don't believe we've met before," he said, prompting her to introduce herself.

"Oh," she laughed stiffly, "Oriane. Oriane Morissette. But most people just call me Ori."

The three others then took turns introducing themselves. The girl was Hermione Granger. The redhead was Ron Weasley, and the other boy claimed to be Harry Potter himself. Oriane thought it was a joke at first, but then she remembered the photo back home of her parents with the Potters. He was a spitting image of James Potter, glasses and all. He had to be telling the truth.

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