Chapter Twenty-Eight: All Things Considered

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Hogsmeade station was bright and sunny, just as the last few days at Hogwarts had been. Students piled on the platform wearing anything other than their school uniforms as they dragged their trunks onto the Hogwarts Express. Another year of studying was in the books, and their attention had suddenly turned to the summertime activities they had planned.

"Make sure we get a compartment close to the center of the train," Charlotte called. The four girls walked in a straight line, dragging their trunks behind them as they walked along the platform. "I hate being too close to the front and end."

"Looks like you're in luck. This one still looks pretty empty," Calista said as she hopped onto the first step. "Come on!"

It was strange. So much had happened that year. So many lies uncovered, a traitor revealed. Every now and then, when Oriane thought about that night in the Shrieking Shack, she was reminded of that sick, twisting feeling in her gut. How she so fervently wished for the death of another person. Even despite Remus's reassurance that the want for revenge was normal, she told herself it wasn't. Despite all its flaws, situations like that should have never been in their hands.

And yet there she stood, on the way home as if nothing had happened. Really, she could have convinced herself it was some terrible nightmare had it not been for the scars she received on her arm.

"You coming?" Calista urged, standing at the entrance to the train cart.

"Yes. Sorry," Oriane apologized.

She was the last of her roommates to board the train. Emerald and Charlotte were quick to find a compartment for the four of them. With Calista's help, they hoisted her trunk into the overhead luggage rack. Before any of them could even sit down, Emerald took care to open the window. Summer was nearly in full swing, and it certainly reflected in the heat of their compartment.

"I can't believe it's already summer," Calista said with a sigh. She reached her hand up and adjusted her ponytail. Her dark blonde strands swung with her movements. "What all do you guys have planned?"

"My parents like to take my brother and I to Thorpe Park every summer," Emerald said, nearly bouncing in her seat.

"Really? I've always wanted to go there," Charlotte beamed. "The water rides look like so much fun!"

Calista and Oriane shared a tense look.

"What's so great about some park?" Calista asked.

"It's not a normal park, silly. It's an amusement park. I reckon even purebloods would enjoy it just as much as Muggle's do," Emerald teased.

"Buy me a few pins when you go, will you? I don't have much Muggle money, but I'll pay you back at the start of term," Charlotte begged.

Quietly, Calista leaned closer to Oriane and whispered, "I still don't see what's so amusing about some park."

Before either of the two girls could be chastised, a quiet knock sounded on the door. All the girls turned their heads. On the other side of the door was none other than Harry Potter himself. He peered through the slim glass window of the door with his eyes glancing between all of them, yet primarily focused on Oriane.

Slender fingers clasped the door handle, where it opened shortly afterwards with a soft click. Harry opened the door the rest of the way. Yet he seemed rather stiff and awkward with so many unspeaking eyes on him.

"Hello, Harry," Oriane broke the silence. It was her first time really interacting with him after the incident. She knew enough that he, Hermione, and Ron had all made it out okay, but after everything things had moved too quickly for her to really check on them in person. "What's up?"

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