Chapter Seven: The Club

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Breakfast was just as impressive as dinner had been the night before. Bacon, eggs, ham, fried potatoes, toast, and anything else that could be thought of piled high upon golden platters that littered the Hufflepuff table. The conversation was just as lively as well, as every student looked over their schedules for the semester.

"I'm taking Divination because one of the Weasley twins told me it was easy," Calista chartered away. If there was one thing Oriane was learning quickly, it was that the girl certainly loved to talk. "Apparently you can just make something up, and if it sounds remotely true, and maybe a little dangerous, the professor will give you high marks."

A sigh came from Emerald, who had busied herself with eating. "Finally, a class you might not fail."

"Nearly fail," Calista corrected. "I've passed every single class, obviously, or else I wouldn't be here."

"Right. Hogwarts would have kicked you out long ago had you failed as often as you whine about," Emerald grinned.

"Either that or my parents would have put me in my grave." Calista paused for a moment, pushing around the food on her plate with her fork. "It's your fault, really. My grades wouldn't be nearly as poor if you just tutored me like I asked."

The girls continued to bicker back and forth, much to the amusement of Oriane. She hadn't quite figured out when to add to the conversation, but they certainly made great entertainment.

"What classes do you have, Ori?" Emerald asked. Calista was still attempting to talk to her, begging for Emerald to tutor her, yet the redhead blatantly ignored her, eyes focused on Oriane.

She looked down at her schedule. Third years took seven required classes, and then two or more electives. The weight of her classes didn't really hit her until she saw it all down on paper. Ten classes total that she had to juggle all throughout the semester. Sure, not every class met every day, but it was enough to send her mind spinning.

"For my electives I'm taking Divination, Muggle Studies, and Care of Magical Creatures," Oriane said, folding her schedule and placing it back in the pocket of her robe. "I imagine we're all taking the same required classes."

A cheeky grin appeared on Emerald's face. "I'm taking Muggle Studies too."

Calista groaned, leaning her head on her hands. "Of course you are. You come from a Muggle family, that class is a piece of cake for you."

The two continued on their bickering parade. Oriane could only laugh as she watched the two girls. Calista, who seemed sincerely desperate for help, and Emerald, who looked as if she was one more pretty please away from slapping the girl in the face.

They continued for quite some time. Oriane thought they would never cease. Yet, a terrible cold voice spoke up from behind Oriane, instantly silencing the girls.

"Hufflepuff? Really?" the grating voice of Draco Malfoy asked.

Oriane froze, an unexplainable frustration settling over her body. It was bad enough having to speak with him on the train. She thought she could at least have breakfast without the boy ruining it.

"Imagine spending all that time sitting there during your sorting, only to get sorted into Hufflepuff," he continued. "If that had happened to me, I would have fled the school. If I didn't die from embarrassment first."

Blood flooded to the tips of her ears, turning them a bright red as she sat, back faced to him. She tried to think of some retort, yet her mouth went dry. But the very thought of him speaking about her like that lit an ember of rage deep in her stomach. All the anger in the world yet no voice to speak with.

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