Chapter Five: Hatstall

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Hogsmeade station was wet and cold. Rain continued to pound down in icy sheets, and Oriane found herself soaked despite having just left the train. Neville and Ginny had wandered along the platform, finding their own friends, but Oriane found herself glued to the others. She wasn't quite sure where to go now that they had arrived. Her brain was still foggy after her encounter with the dementors, though the chocolate Remus gave her did help considerably.

"Come on," Hermione urged the others, wiping the rain from her face. "The carriages should be this way."

The other three followed Hermione down a rough, muddy track. Each step they took was wet and sloshy. She could feel the water begin to soak through her shoes. In the distance laid a large number of horseless stagecoaches. Some were empty, still awaiting the presence of a student, and others were already set off, moving on their own, without the aid of an animal.

The four clambered inside, and once they had settled in, the stagecoach moved on its own. Rain pattered on the roof of the carriage, which was soothing compared to the terrible, sucking sound they had heard earlier on the train. An ache lingered in her chest just thinking about it.

"Not the best way to start off your first year here, I suppose." Ron was the only one brave enough to break the cold silence. "Having to deal with the dementors and Malfoy."

Oriane allowed a laugh. "It could have been worse," she said, absentmindedly rubbing her chest. "I'm just glad Remus was there to save us."

Odd glances were thrown her way.

"You mean Professor Lupin?" Hermione corrected.

She laughed. "Yes, right. Professor Lupin."

The rain had died down once they reached the steps of Hogwarts Castle. It was a breathtaking sight, and caught Oriane completely off guard when she stepped out of the stagecoach. The castle was massive, with towering turrets, and a beautiful glow from within, which reflected on the mist around them. Several steps laid in front of them, which led up to a large open door that allowed students to enter.

"You fainted, Potter?" an annoyingly familiar voice piped up as their carriage strode away. "Is Longbottom telling the truth? You actually fainted?"

She almost preferred his father compared to Draco himself. At least his father gave out backhanded compliments. Draco's childish jeering was infuriating. It was hard to believe anyone could survive two years of his nonsense.

"Shove off, Malfoy," Ron warned with a grumble.

"Is there a problem?"

Remus had just exited out of the carriage behind him. He was looking more refreshed than he had on the train. All that excitement surely spiffed and woke him up. A familiar face was certainly a joy for Oriane.

Draco, on the other hand, seemed more annoyed. "Oh, no... Professor," he said, before slinking away into the crowd.

Hermione was quick to drag the two boys up the steps to the castle, but Oriane found herself staring at Remus. "I didn't expect to see you here," he admitted.

Thinking he was joking, Oriane let out a slight chuckle before he continued, "first years are supposed to take the boat here."

"Oh," Oriane said stiffly. She hadn't been made aware. After everything that happened on the train, she had been on autopilot, following the direction of the majority of the student body.

"That's alright," he said, motioning her to follow him, "I imagine the ride would be rather miserable with this weather, anyway."

Remus led the girl up the staircase, where many other students swarmed around them. The entrance to the castle was breathtaking. It was a large, cavernous room that could fit her entire cottage and still have room to spare. A large staircase led to the upper floors of the castle, and a room nearby buzzed with chatter and excitement.

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