Chapter Eleven: Shadows

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Eventually it was confirmed that if Sirius Black had been in the castle, he was no longer there. The students were allowed to leave the Great Hall the next morning, returning their lives to normal. Yet for the next few days, everything seemed to be anything but normal for Oriane.

She didn't notice it at first. Classes went on as usual, she ate meals with her roommates like normal, everything was just as it had been. Until it wasn't. A terrible, sick feeling followed her everywhere she went. Her skin seemed to burn every time she walked through the halls.

Something was wrong.

"Is no one else finding this weird?" Charlotte asked as the four girls scrambled through the common room entrance.

"Finding what weird?" Emerald asked.

The common room was warmer than ever, as the fire roared strongly in order to starve off the cold, bitter rain of autumn. Water droplets tapped on the glass of the windows, making the room feel sleepy. But the girls were anything but.

"Don't tell me I'm the only one who's noticed," Charlotte sighed as she quickly led the girls upstairs. "For the past week Snape has watched us meticulously as we walk to and from Hufflepuff House. Creep just appears out of nowhere to watch us. Doesn't even say anything either."

They entered their dorm room, where the fire in there was just as big as the one downstairs. The girls said nothing as they sat on the edge of their beds, looking at Charlotte as she explained her theory.

"You can't blame him, can you?" Emerald asked, scratching the back of her head. "I mean, all the teachers seem to be a bit on edge since Sirius Black attacked the Fat Lady. They're probably just keeping an extra eye on students as a safety precaution."

"Yeah, it's not just Snape. McGonagall watches us like a hawk when we walk to and from Transfiguration," Calista sighed.

"But why us?" Charlotte asked.

The girls froze, all eyes locked on Charlotte. The glow of her eyes seemed to hold back something terrible. It disappeared as she rubbed her throat, turning her attention towards the fire in the middle of the room.

"I've noticed the same eyes consistently watching us all week," she choked out. "You can't tell me they're doing this for all the students."

Once she mentioned it, it was impossible for Oriane to not notice it. McGonagall watching her in her transformed cat state. Professor Sprout offering to walk her to the bathroom between classes. Snape's dark, beady eyes as she walked to the common room. It was then that she was painfully reminded of all the signs even before she attended Hogwarts.

The conversation between Remus and Esme. Esme's constant warnings of that dangerous criminal. How she could be targeted because of her parents. Out of the four of them, Oriane was certain they were being watched because of her.

Her suspicions would be confirmed a few days later after Remus summoned her to his office. Rain had relentlessly pelted the window of Hogwarts all week. The dark, overcast sky casted an odd grey light into Remus's office, something that was unfamiliar to see, as his room always seemed rather bright.

Yet, he sat at his desk, the circles under his eyes seemingly darker than ever.

"Ori," he greeted her with a smile, "thank you for taking the time to visit with me."

She nodded her head as she took the empty chair across from him. "Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

His smile softened at her question, only for it to be replaced with a slight grin moments later. "Am I not allowed to just have a cup of tea with my favorite student?"

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