Chapter 5: Raymond's First Day

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It was a Monday morning, 8am, Raymond had just arrived at work and was locking his car, when he saw Adam pulling into work, frowns smothering his face, he knew he had to try and be civil with Adam, as he missed him, and he knew Adam missed him, even a blind guy could notice that.

Raymond wandered inside, constantly looking back to see Adam sauntering from his car. Michael then arrived greeting Raymond and taking him to his new office.

M: You okay this morning Raymond?

R: Fine? Why?

M: You just seem a bit down that's all.

R: Well I'm fine.

M: Okay then, I need these files uploaded into the system by 12, can you do that for me?

R: Consider it done.

Michael walked off to his own office and left Raymond to do the paperwork.

Monday, 9.45am.

Raymond was taking a break, grabbing a tea from the café and a packet of Salt & Vinegar from the vending machine, however, Adam was walking towards him, head down, the frowns still covering his face, looking anxious, frightened, worried. Raymond decided this was his time to speak to him, his time to find out what was really going on with Adam...

R: Adam..?

A: oh.. er.. hello..

R: How are you?

A: er.. i could be better, you..?

R: Good, first days going great.

A: er.. great, best be off..

Adam walked past and turned the corner, but Raymond knew something was not right, usually Adam's so confident and outgoing, but not today, something major was bugging him, and he knew he wasn't going to let it drop.


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