Chapter 14

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What about fish?" James asks, then tosses his last berry into his mouth and raises his eyebrows at Regulus.

"How is that any less immoral?" Regulus replies, visibly unimpressed as he walks next to him.

James shrugs. "Well, you know... Er, do fish even have brains?"

"Obviously fish have brains. All living beings have brains," Regulus tells him. "Well, except for you."

"Ha!" James bursts out laughing, then immediately clamps his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. Regulus gets upset with him when he's too loud (which is often), and considering the very real danger they're in at all times, James can't blame him. It's just not exactly in James' nature to be quiet.

Regulus looks exasperated. "Why are you the way you are? I've just insulted you. Why do you find that funny?"

"Not sure," James admits, once he's calmer. "Suppose I have a few wires crossed." He pauses, then knocks his shoulder into Regulus' and sing-songs, "Or maybe I have a little crush, and I'm just delighted by anything you say. Sound familiar?"

"Every time you open your mouth to speak, the urge to kill you grows stronger," Regulus informs him flatly.

"You used to be so sweet," James coos, and Regulus instantly scowls, which is, quite frankly, so fucking adorable that James can't stop himself from grinning. "Okay, no, do you remember when you were twelve-"

"Do not," Regulus hisses, head snapping around as he glares at him, his face turning red immediately.

"No, I am. This is too brilliant. This story deserves to be heard by all," James declares. "People watching at home, settle in and prepare for the cutest fucking-"

Regulus is abruptly right in front of him, the flat part of his dagger pressed against James' mouth. His gaze is sharper than the blade. "You can live without your tongue, James, did you know that? Why don't I show you?"

"You know," James mumbles carefully, very carefully, "I think I really do have a knife kink of some sort. I am so attracted to you right now."

"I hate you," Regulus mutters, then smacks the flat part of his dagger to James' mouth before pulling it away. "Tell that story and I'll cut your fucking tongue out."

"Still attracted to you," James announces, breaking out into a grin as Regulus huffs and turns to keep walking. "And what story? How do you know it's the same story?"

"I know what story it is."

"Would it be the same story-"

"James," Regulus warns.

"-where you found a new route to take after school and just had to go collect all the pretty rocks, taking two jars, and then you gave me the prettiest one with a sweet little smile while you gave Sirius the other one, which was only half full, and you told him not to eat them?" James continues anyway, his voice cheerful. "That story, by chance?"

"First, I couldn't be sure that Sirius wouldn't eat them. He's an idiot, so that was an extremely valid thing to say to him. Second," Regulus says, swiveling his dagger between his fingers, "you really don't value your tongue, do you?"

James hums, raising his eyebrows. "Not as much as you would, if only I had the chance to prove it."

"But you don't, and you never will," Regulus reminds him, because he's so, so mean.

"Well, I don't know," James muses as he continues walking next to Regulus, "I didn't exactly expect to have a chance with...other things. Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five, I'll just say that."

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