Chapter 31

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Lily hits the mat with a grunt, all the breath getting pushed from her lungs all at once from the impact. Kingsley stands over her, eyebrows raised.

"You don't fight fair," Lily complains.

"Yes, well, war isn't fair either," Kingsley reminds her.

Lily purses her lips. "I just asked where you got the earring. You could have just said you didn't want to tell me."

"On your feet, Red," Kingsley says, holding his hand down towards her. The earring she's referencing glints in his right ear, gold and glimmering under the overhead lights. He didn't have it yesterday. Lily has her suspicions on how he got it.

"You know, Sybill will like it," Lily points out lightly as she reaches up to grab his hand, letting him haul her to her feet.

Kingsley just hums, expression neutral.

"Has she seen it yet?" Lily tries again, bouncing on the balls of her feet as they shift further apart. Kingsley doesn't answer her; he just shakes out his arms. "She'll think it's sexy."

"Lily," Kingsley says, his voice low and smooth, but there's a tiny smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Lily laughs. "What? She will."

"You're in a good mood today," Kingsley notes, bringing his hands up loosely in front of him.

"Mm, well, your earring just gave me good news," Lily says, breaking out into a grin as she brings her hands up as well. Kingsley heaves a sigh, and she rushes him.

Despite all the training Lily has done the last three months, she still can't beat Kingsley, though not for a lack of trying. Lily takes training very seriously, rarely-if ever-goofing off and always focusing rigorously. This isn't a game; this is preparation for what's to come, and she's not taking it lightly. Kingsley is her main trainer, but she's done a lot of work with Poppy, especially with the medical side of things in mind. It's hard and draining, but satisfying, too.

It gives her purpose.

Though, every time her back hits the mat, Lily does find herself ever so briefly wondering what the fuck she's even doing. Sometimes she asks herself that just to remember her answer, the same one each time. For Remus. For her family. For the war, so that one day-someday-everyone will know peace, and everyone will be free.

That's love, in its own way, she thinks. Love for things that she does not actually have, so it cannot be taken from her. All that she fights for is a strength, not a weakness.

Just how Dumbledore likes it.

"Better," Kingsley praises when Lily, after hitting the floor, immediately rolls to her feet with no pause, still at the ready.

"I know," Lily says, holding herself still as he gets closer, waiting for the opening. Kinglsey never gives her one; his form is perfect, and there is no doubt in her mind that he is the best fighter compared to literally anyone else within the Phoenix. He keeps a cool head, too, even in a fight, which likely makes him invaluable to Dumbledore as well. There's a reason Kingsley has such a high position within the Order.

"You're thinking too much," Kingsley murmurs. That's his thing. He's always calm, always focused on whatever task he's been given, duty-driven and goal-oriented. Nothing gets to him, no matter the situation. Nothing.

"I can't help that my brain is always working, King," Lily replies, exasperated. "But I am improving, right?"

Kingsley nods. "You are. Even today, you've shown signs of improvement. Do you want to stop and head to the range?"

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