chapter 36

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Remus barely even gets to take another breath before Sirius is throwing himself across the room at speeds that would be alarming under any other circumstances. The mask clatters to the floor just seconds before Sirius is on him, and it's like they practiced it, the way Sirius genuinely just launches himself right into Remus' arms, legs wrapped around him, and Remus catches him without even stumbling.

It's been so long. Oh, there you are, here you are, hi, Remus' heart keens, a steady throb of relief that floods his veins. As hard as he tried to cling to the memories of how it felt to have Sirius in his arms, it doesn't compare to the real thing. Nothing compares to this, to the warmth of him, the weight of him, how he smells and feels and breathes.

Sirius' hands fly up to frame his face, holding him there, and then he's quite literally just dropping kisses off all over Remus' face with undeniable enthusiasm. He kisses Remus' forehead, his cheeks, his nose, above and below each eye, even the scar. If it bothers him, he shows no signs of it, just kissing down the length of it from where it starts at the inner-corner of his left eyebrow and drags down over his nose, halting at the right corner of his top lip. When Sirius reaches the end, he kisses each corner of Remus' mouth, then full on the lips, hard and bruising and fast, pulling away to speak.

"Hi," Sirius chokes out, then immediately kisses him again, and Remus isn't making it easy for him with how he's breaking out into a grin; his first smile in six months. "Oh, hi. I've missed you, Remus. I've missed you so much."

"I-" Remus starts, but doesn't get to finish.

"Shut up, don't talk to me, I'm so happy you're here," Sirius declares breathlessly, his eyes bright. "Oh, the moon is so jealous of you. You're here. You're-hi, you're here."

Again, Remus tries to speak around his bubbling laughter, feeling ridiculously exhilarated and giddy, but Sirius cuts him off once more, with a kiss again. This time, Sirius kisses him once, twice, a third time, and then he doesn't pull away. The close-mouthed kiss fades into an open-mouthed one, and Sirius makes a truly indecent (and loud) noise while shaking in Remus' arms, rattling like he's about to fall apart.

Remus keeps a firm grip on him and turns around to promptly leave, which is probably a little rude, considering that the others are here and may wish to greet him, but he honestly can't bring himself to care about that right now.

No, instead, he stumbles along up the hall to find the first door he comes across, deciding it's just going to have to be Sirius' room, because he's not wasting time to go any further. He throws open the door and kicks it shut with his foot as he moves inside, Sirius' trembling fingers slipping into his hair.

The bed is thankfully not far, and Remus wastes no time in getting them to it. He's careful, lowering Sirius down with care, like he's precious, because he is. Oh, he is. Remus is shaking, too, barely even able to fathom that this is real, that this is actually happening, not just some dream.

For a long time, they literally just lay there and kiss like that's all they're going to do, like that's more important than oxygen. Sirius has his arms wound tight around Remus' shoulders, fingers tangled in his hair, and Remus isn't managing much more than cradling Sirius' cheek with one hand while the other grips his leg on the outside of where he lays in between Sirius' splayed thighs, his knees bumping into Remus' hips.

The moment they break apart for some air, Sirius starts frantically fighting with his coat, his chest heaving, face flushed in a way that makes Remus' blood sing with joy. Because Sirius seems to be genuinely struggling, Remus props himself up and does his best to help, perhaps a little rushed as well. He practically shoves Sirius' coat off and flings it a little bit. An envelope falls out and lands on the bed, but Remus just picks it up and tosses it across the room carelessly with one smooth flick of his wrist.

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