Chapter 17

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Sybill likes to cut holes in her shirts and put paper clips through them because she thinks it gives her flair, which Lily isn't against, per se. It's not that she protests individuality and style-no, of course not-but she does take issue with Sybill doing things that's going to end with her crying later.

"How are you even hiding that from Dumbledore?" Lily asks as she tugs on the line of clips. She's reaching for a cigarette with her other hand, which Sybill looks at pointedly. "Oh, this isn't nearly as obvious. I have a place to hide these."

Sybill squints at her, and Lily reaches up to scoop her arm under her chest, fumbling for the pack of cigarettes before she tucks it underneath. When she lets go, the pack disappears beneath. Sybill looks down at her own chest, frowning, then looks back up with a thoughtful look on her face. "Will you-"

"No, I will not use my tits to hide things for you," Lily cuts in, tugging the pack out so she can scoop her lighter from it, cigarette trapped between her lips.

"Not all of us were blessed with-" Sybill drops her gaze and bites her lip. "Goodness, Lily."

"Blessed?" Lily mutters. "You think back pain, uncomfortable fitting clothes, and common heat rashes is blessed?"

"No, you're right, that's awful. Still, you have extra hiding spots, and sure is a blessing to look at them," Sybill says with a dreamy sigh, then promptly folds over and rests her head on Lily's chest with a happy hum.

Lily quickly grabs her cigarette so it won't catch Sybill's hair on fire, her free hand cupping Sybill's head as she grumbles, "Oi, watch it. I'm smoking, Sybill."

"Yeah, yeah, I know your routine by now. Same way Wren, Miranda, and Ember know," Sybill tells her with a snort. She lifts her head and shifts across the grass, throwing her leg over Lily's lap and leaning up to pluck the cigarette from Lily's mouth, turning it to put it in her own. Inhaling, her cheeks hollow out, and she parts her lips to let the smoke escape slowly. "Let Lily Evans fuck you, then watch her chainsmoke like she's trying to set her lungs on fire."

"Well, if you know, then what makes you think I'm willing to share?" Lily reaches out to take her cigarette back, raising her eyebrows. "These aren't easy to come by, let me tell you."

"And yet, I've never seen you without them after we fuck. Wren, Ember, and Miranda all say the same."

"Stop talking to the other women I fuck. It's weird."

Sybill grins. "Stop fucking so many women."

"Can't do that. You'd all be so disappointed," Lily teases, then inhales and tips her head back to watch the smoke billow up from her lips. Her eyes flutter shut for a brief moment.

"That we would," Sybill agrees with a chuckle. "Besides, it's not like the Phoenix has enough room to keep us unaware of it. Fuck, Lily, we all eat meals together. Wren is literally my best friend. What did you expect to happen?"

Lily doesn't bother responding to that. If she's honest, she doesn't really give a shit. "You never answered me." Reaching out with her free hand, she tugs on the paper clips. "How are you getting those past Dumbledore?"

"I stole them from his office," Sybill says. "If he acknowledges them, then he has to acknowledge that someone managed to break into his office."

"You broke into his office?" Lily asks sharply, sitting up so quickly that Sybill nearly topples out of her lap.

"Yeah, I did," Sybill admits, looking smug. "Difficult to do, if I'm honest, but worth it for the paper clips. Of course, he'll probably just have someone confiscate them, and I'll end up sobbing again. But, you know, it's worth it."

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