Chapter 19

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Regulus can see why the others have survived in this cave. It's very hard to find, and even with how observant he is, he doesn't spot it until James actually points it out. There's some foliage put in front of the entrance to disguise it further, which James informs him is new.

As soon as they enter, Vanity is scrambling to her feet and shrieking, "James! You're here, you're back!"

Regulus watches her launch herself forward to hug him, which he takes with a laugh as he hugs her back. They actually look like they're squeezing each other tight enough to hurt, but neither of them seem to mind. Vanity is comically shorter and smaller than James, but he pretends like she's about to knock him over, teasing her about being so strong. From the side, where he's boiling water, Peter watches with a soft smile.

Irene and Mathias also share fond chuckles, but they're handling food at the moment-or what will be food-so he doesn't look at them very much. He's seen enough blood and death to last him a lifetime, at this point.

"What's this? This is new," James says, reaching up to gently run his hand over the artfully twisted hair on top of Vanity's head.

"Mathias did it for me." Vanity beams up at him. "They did a really good job, didn't they? It looks nice like this."

"Yes, very pretty," James tells her with what Regulus knows is genuine sincerity.

"I was really worried about you," Vanity declares, then hits him on the arm. "I thought you weren't coming back."

James rubs his arm with a wince. "No, I was. I promise I was. I just had to, er..." He glances over at Regulus, then clears his throat and gives Vanity a lopsided smile. "Well, I had to find him and bring him back with me. Got a little sidetracked."

"Oh, right, Regulus," Vanity sing-songs, giving James a teasing look that makes him snort. She pokes him in the stomach, her eyes bright with laughter, and something about it-her youth and how sweet she is-makes Regulus ease up and calm down a bit, leaving him just slightly less on edge. "You had to go get your boyfriend."

Lovely. Even here, Regulus can't escape that assumption. At least no one is calling him lover boy. Though, at the thought, he feels his heart sink. Only one person ever called him that. He would walk around with that moniker printed on his forehead if it meant Evan was still alive to say it.

"Hey, Regulus?" Mathias calls eagerly, hopping to their feet to amble over with hope in their eyes. "Can I steal a dagger? Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, um. I just-I'm skinning the squirrel, and that's really difficult to do without anything sharp. I have-well, I have chipped stones, but a dagger would make it so much easier, and it'd be less messy, so if-if I could borrow a dagger-that's what I meant, borrow, not steal, obviously, because I will absolutely give it ba-"

"No," Regulus says, and Mathias snaps their mouth shut, their eyes wide. An uncomfortable silence settles in the cave, and Regulus sighs. "I'll"

Mathias brightens instantly. "Brilliant. Come on, then. Irene is so good at it, but I absolutely hate this part. Actually puts me off eating, really, but...also I don't want to starve, so..."

Reluctantly, Regulus trails over to the side of the cave where Mathias leads him and Irene is already hard at work. He shoots James a narrow-eyed glare as he goes past, but James just grins at him. He mouths be nice, and Regulus flips him off, which makes James stifle a laugh before he focuses back on Vanity, eventually moving over to chat with Peter as well.

"Brought reinforcements, have you?" Irene asks with a grunt as Mathias and Regulus crouch down next to her.

"He has a dagger he's willing to use to help," Mathias says cheerfully.

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