Chapter 25

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~ Gerard's POV ~

I wake up the next day knowing what will be going down tonight. Mikey is going to know that I know he's not dead anymore. I scrunch my eyes and rub my eyes with my hands. I am so nervous for the sting to go down. I hear Frank start to wake up besides me.

"Good morning, Frankie." I say to him looking for at him. He's so cute when he's just waking up in the morning. I can't wait to wake up to him every morning.

"How much sleep did you get?" He looks up at me worry already placed on his face. He knows how much today is going to suck for everyone. I don't want him to worry about me though.

"I think I slept for about six or seven hours. I slept pretty good...honestly." I kiss his forehead before getting up and grabbing my stuff to shower. I feel bad for lying, but he doesn't need to worry about me today.

~ Time jump to later that night ~

There is a strange sense of calm in the house today. Everyone is thinking of what might happen tonight when the deal does down. But this is what they signed up for and they know that too.  I walk into my office to get some last minute things for tonight done before the events start to unfold. I text Alex, Rian, and Zach to come to my office so we can talk before the sting. I hear a set of knocks at my office doors.

"Come in and find a seat." I say to them when they are walking in. They all let out their hellos' before finding a seat in the room.

I look at the three of them before I start in on the meeting. I can't believe that Mikey is even alive, let alone that he's trying to take of my area.

"So, I just wanted you guys to come in and talk to make sure that you knew what was going to be happening tonight?" I asked looking at the three of them.

They all nodded their heads and Alex spoke up, "We have been talking about the plan all day we know what to do. we have got everything under control."

I let out a nervous laugh, "I know you guys are ready for this. This is just a big deal and I'm just trying to make sure everything goes to plan."

"We get it Boss, this is a big deal especially for you. We got this. Trust us. Trust in your plan." Alex says with a calming look.

"You're right. Let's go." I say getting up and they start to follow me out of the office.

~Time jump to when they are all in the van~

As we're driving to the deal I get more nervous than ever. Frank grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. I look at him and smile before I lean over for a kiss. He always knows how to calm me down. Pete is driving the van and Alex is sitting in the passenger seat the rest of us sitting in the back. I look around the van as we arrive to the spot.

"Alright. We all know what we are here for. Let's get it done."

Switch Pete's POV

I am so nervous as I get out of the van. I still can't believe that my Mikey is still alive. As we walk up to the meeting I push it out of my mind. We see two of his men right where they are supposed to be. The guys and I walk up to them and get down to business.

"Hello. Let's see the money." One of the men say. I look him up and down, he's the perfect man for the job. Because he looks so innocent like he'd never be a dealer. I think it's the slight fro that does it for me.

Alex pulls out the money from his waistband and handing it over. "This should be all out it."

The man with the fro counts it and then nods to the other man. The man pulls out the couple of grams of coke we were planning on buying. As they both are not paying attention that's when Rian and I knock the two men unconscious using the bottom of our guns that were tucked into out waistbands.

As we're trying to pick up the unconscious bodies I hear footsteps.

"Pete?" I would know that voice anywhere. "I knew you'd find me if I left the right hints."

Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I thought I'd never hear his voice again.

A/N: hello! It is not edited lol but here you go. 797 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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