Chapter 9

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~ Gerard's POV~

After the date last night I have been smiling none stop and I can't get him off my mind. As I'm zipping up my tweed dress I hear my phone go off twice. I walk over to my night stand where my phone is still plugged in.  As I pick up my phone my screen lights up and I see the two text messages, one from Frank and the other is from Pete. I of course open the one from Frankie first.

From Frankie:
Last night was such a joy. Are you free this upcoming weekend? Because I'd love to have a getaway with you.
I laugh at Frankie's text because I still think that it is so funny that he texts so businessey. 

To Frankie:
I had lots of fun last night too and I do have this weekend free.

Before I can blink I get a text back from Frankie.

From Frankie:
Amazing! Pack your bags for a three day trip. We'll leave early Friday morning and be back late Monday night. And also pack your passport.

I smiled at his text and sent back a quick 'okay'.  After I was done staring at Frankie's texts I moved over to Pete's and I's conversation.

From Pete:
Sent 15 minutes ago
We need you in the meeting room in twenty minutes important information just came in.

"Shit I better get going now" I think out loud to myself. I walk over to my closet and pull on some thigh boots. After I'm zipping up my boots I grab my phone and then leave my room locking my door behind me.

Okay okay I know that is has been a minute. And I'm not saying that I am back but I'll try to post more often. The main reason I write this chapter was because of the random person who just add my book to one of their reading lists. So this chapter is for you :) (332 words)

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